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Posts posted by robvine

  1. <p>I'd get a 10-22 for better landscape work as this will go well with the 24-105. The 70-300IS is a good buy if you want a better tele lens but I think that getting a 40/50D would be the best move. Maybe even a second-hand 5D? I still have my 300D but it seems ancient compared to my 5D.</p>
  2. I just made the switch as my 19" CRT was blurring quite badly. It took a lot of research to find a good LCD. I could not tolerate the poor viewing angle of the cheaper LCD's which use TN panels and decided that I needed a S-IPS panel. Check out this site for more explanation: http://www.prad.de/en/index.html


    Long story short I ended up getting a second hand Dell 2007WFP off ebay quite cheaply and it is great!

  3. I have recently started my own web site with the view to selling landscape

    prints. It has been going for 2 months now with no sales. For the first

    month, the only 'marketing' I did was by word of mouth and through photo

    sites such as PN and other bulletin boards. I have been using Google

    Adwords for a month now and I am pretty sure that I have the correct

    keywords set up to bring serious buyers to the site. I am getting 5-10 hits

    a day from Google as well as a few from bookmarks. So, I am concerned that

    I am not getting visitors to the site who are intent on buying prints.


    Is there another approach I should take? My current thoughts are to:

    - Increase the quote on Google to simply bring more visitors

    - Try an association web site such as art.com; or

    - Re-adjust my expectations with regards to sales


    I don't think it is my site or the images themselves which are a problem,

    the product seems to compare well to other sites I have visited. As this is

    currently a part-time endeavour this method of sales is the best for me,

    selling framed prints in cafe's or markets requires an investment in both

    capital and time which I don't currently have.


    Thanks for your help.

  4. I am currently setting up a web site to sell some of my prints. I will

    be selling prints from 10in to 60in in size. My question is: should I

    make the same profit in terms of $ regardless of the size or should I

    make more profit on the larger prints? Should I perhaps set a cost to

    profit ratio?


    Thanks for helping me out.

  5. Chad, a budget is a budget. People will tell you to spend loads of money because it's not there's to spend. Recently I explained to a friend that you should purchase a PS system with the following priorities:

    1. Monitor + calibrator

    2. Memory

    3. CPU

    4. Hard Drive (fast AND big)


    Everything else in a PS system is of little concern, especially the video card - don't bother getting an expensive one! anyone who tells you that you need one is wasting your money! A standard power supply will be ok too, hot rod power supplies are for high-end video cards and overclockers. A more expensive motherboard will not change much, buy a well known brand which has the features you need.

  6. Thanks for helping guys. I think the answer is no, I cannot get something that does everything in one. I don't think that an FM transmitter is the best way to go as I want better sound quality than it can provide and the Ipod solution allows me to use steering wheel buttons to access the Ipod whilst driving.


    Looks like I will get a PSD and an Ipod - when money permits!



  7. Does anyone have any experience using the latest gen Ipod as a PSD? I

    have heard that while previous versions of the Ipod were able to

    download photos through a camera connector or card reader it was

    horribly slow and drained the battery. I am wondering if this is not a

    problem with the newer versions.


    If you are having any success please let me know how you are getting

    it - there are a lot of reviews on the net both good and bad but none

    are detailed enough!


    I am asking this is because I want to invest in a PSD which does

    everything, music, video and photo. The only other product that I can

    find which does a similar function is the X-Drive VP6230 but I don't

    think it is acomplished as the Ipod in the music and video areas. I

    would also prefer the Ipod as I can connect it to my car stereo (can't

    see an easy way of doing this with the X-Drive).


    Thanks for the help.

  8. Hi all,

    I have had a request by a company to use some of my work for their

    corporate web site. This has caught me quite off guard, as I have no

    idea what to charge or what conditions to set. I am thinking that I

    will provide them with a file that is reduced to the size they require

    and limit it's use to the web site only. I would charge accordingly

    (thinkabout about $US100 as I am really just an amature). If they

    wanted a full res file or wanted it for futher use I would charge much



    Also, can anyone help me with how to implement a contract or

    agreement? I have had a look through previous posts but couldn't find

    anything that I found useful. Remember, they are a US based company

    and I am in Australia!


    Thanks in advance.

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