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Image Comments posted by jury_nel

    Behined iron net


    Awsome. Seeing a pic like this always leaves me thinking: how much work went into this one pic? I mean, how much preparation, and this is one of how many that got taken that worked this well.



  1. I tend to agree, this is something that takes time and patience and then some more. This is a great reward for it! And yes, it would be interesting to see a show of hands of who has a photograph like this?


    It might seem dark, but I think in the context of the picture it should be dark. Making it lighter would change the mood completely. It's also interesting to see all the "action" in the left, tapering off into darkness in the right. Very good!
  2. No, leave it as it is. It's te Road to Leesville, isn't it? Good. Looks nice. The way you use the color and sharpness is striking and vibriant. It's so hard to get it like that without it being overdone, you've succeeded!


    Great pic! You want to enlarge it? Depending on a lot of things, it is not out of the question to enlarge beyond 24" x 34". I find digital files tend to enlarge better than negs, within limits of course. If you battle, let me know.

    Anila X

    The cut-off tree may be a bit distracting, but don't worry too much - there's a nice balance in it with the model. Nice pic, would be great as a poster!
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