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Image Comments posted by gerard_dsouza


    Really interesting image. i Like the effect and the colors. the black smudges in the top left area are the only bit i dont like. This looks more like a painting than a photograph.


    very nice image. could be improved by either having a person at the far end or some subject that is illuminated by the ray of light coming from the top.

    Water Lily

    the out of focus bit on the right doesnt help either. I feel the light on the flowers is too strong and has washed out the delicate pink. Did u use a polarizer with this shot?

    Favorite Perch


    Cloning is often the simplest way to do such alterations. if you are uncomfortable with clone stamping you could try burning the hotspots or selective curves to tone down the highlights. I took the liberty of playing around with a couple of your images as an illustration of using PS to add snap to an image. I am my no means an expert with photoshop but the more i find that the more you experiment the more you learn.

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