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Posts posted by jxsq

  1. The loooong thread has said it all. It is a BIG problem for all of us.


    I think one way to solve this is to have a different *default* filter, in which only good member's rating are being counted.


    Just as an example, good member can be defined as

    1. has been with photo.net for at least x months, and

    2. his rating curve is not too far to nomolized curve as all other good members. and

    3. himself have number of photos and the ratings he received is above, say, average.

  2. Thanks for your comments, Aaron.


    This was captrued in a real concert, and I can only use available lights there.


    But I agree with you, those shadows are really bad. Maybe I should try remove them in photoshop.


    I am not experience in studio at all, maybe I will look into that in future as well.


    Thanks again,



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