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home page1

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Image Comments posted by home page1

  1. I really didn't have much of a choice than to shoot at 1/320 without going even higher than ISO 1600 I used.  I was already as wide open as I could be at f4.0  The skies darkened just before the race and I didn't really have any other options.  I had IS turned on and I hoped that it would help compensate for the slower shutter speed. I wasn't aware that IS should not be used on a monopod with the movement coming towards the camera.  Why is that? Is that generally accepted?  I  did have it turned on. I post-processed with Photoshop and Neat Image to compensate for the grain from ISO 1600, among other things.  If I had more light, I could have used a faster shutter speed - which I would have preferred.

    As far as contrast goes, what you see is what I like in my images - more shadow and highlight detail that I have adjusted in PS. You are very observant and correct that I used the shadows/highlight function in PS.  The images that roll out of the camera tend to have less shadow/highlight detail than I prefer. 

    That being said, I fairly satisfied with result, considering what was under my control.  If you have any more suggestions about what I could've done differently, I'd love to hear them.  Thanks for your comments.

    LTC Building

    The problem that I see with this image is that there is a huge dynamic range that blows out the exteme highlights and renders little shadow detail. To get both shadow and hightlight detail probably requires HDR. Brady's suggestion improves the lighting but also introduces noise into the shadow detail. Sometimes working with the RAW image to tone down the highlights and bring up the shadows provides an acceptable result without going the HDR route. I'm sure that having to scan the image also contributed to the dynamic range problem. Just another of many reasons to avoid film, IMO. I shot film for 20+ years and would never go back.
  2. I was excited to meet Wilson Tsoi in person on our trip to Seattle. I have admired and learned from Wilson's work here on Photo.net for the past five years. We found Wilson to be very friendly and gracious in our actual meeting. I have also had in person meetings with other Photo.net members. Photo.net has been a tremendous resource, in several ways, for developing my photographic skills. Photo is courtesy of Michele Petry and my editing with Portrait Professional 9 and CS4.
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