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Image Comments posted by click_here_jose_caicoya

  1. While in Egypt I went to a couple Bazaar's (Aswan, Luxor and Cairo's khan el-khalili) and tried to catch the mood. I was not very successful at doing so for I focused on details and people. You take a step backwards and show much more. By including the building (mosque?) and the sunset you show the enclave and succeeded in catching a much better mood. If I have the chance again I'll try this idea.

    my castle

    Nice shot. When viewing large you can tell some round forms on the upper right corner (like those of the burning tool when using round point), which are visible also in the ceiling. Apart from that I like the picture.


    This one is packed with green and is brighter than the others in your portfolio, but there's always something sad to the infrared pictures. Composition is good. Good picture.



    Frederic, gracias por tus comentarios. Si que use el flash de la camara, pero la foto me parecio tan viva que preferi no alterarla via Photoshop (lo intente, pero fue un fracaso).


    Frederic, thanks for your comments. I did use the pop-up flash built in the camera, but the expression was so vivid that I chose not to PS it (let alone the fact that I tried and was unable to succesfully do so).


    En La Habana, Cuba. En el callejon de Hamen, gracias por tu visita y por tus comentarios y enhorabuena por tus fotos. I also thought about B&W, the only reason to keep it was not to disturb the overall folder (not very succesfull, by the way, I might as well follow your advise). Thanks.


    June 7, 2004, currently going on 27. He has just given a dramatic turn to his life, and looks like he's definitely leaving his hometown for a brand new job in Madrid... Which means we'll see each other more often.
  2. Indeed!!! and faces too. I think I agree with Menno, why don't you also try to put some more reflections in their eyes? The girl on the left hand side does not have a direct window light, this makes the portrait more peaceful, and boosts the color of her skin and lips, I would try to get that indirect light in all their faces.


    My suggestion is to leave it as it is... Dark spaces don't bother me, and the color of the leaves is worth loosing that information. The composition is good too, the leaves on the ground work as a reflection of the upper ones. Very good picture.


    Thanks Angel Luis for your comment and rating, and thanks the rest for your sincere ratings (a couple of them dissapointigly low...) Please leave a line and tell me what do you think does not work with this one.
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