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Posts posted by click_here_jose_caicoya

  1. Hi Sacha,


    I can imagine a way of blocking botherers, at least when sending photos for critique.


    When you request a critique on a picture (please correct me if I'm wrong), Photo.net not only posts your picture for public review, but also sends your request to ten random potential critiquers, I suggest that photo.net set a standard procedure whereby requests should only be sent to, say, subscribers, or people with one or more posted photos, or those who's average active rating is higher than 3.00 (please note that average 3 means allowing a high percentage of 1 and 2 ratings)... We would spare ourselves some sour surprises.


    I would like to hear people's comments on my suggestion.


    I, myself, like to rate only those pictures that seem somehow appealing, when I think my rating would be lower than 4 or 5 I'd only critique and post no rating. Cheers.

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