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kimberly c.

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Posts posted by kimberly c.

  1. Being a part of a new family for the day. (I feel its extremely

    important to feel this way to be successful)


    I wish more people had planners, just to keep everyone on

    schedule. That is the only major problem I run into...not enough

    time, late bridesmaids, late limo etc... no one knowing anything.

  2. EVERYONE is right! Before getting an album was secretive and

    sacred. Now couples have the option to purchase albums from

    anywhere on their own. I was putting together one for a couple

    and charged them the going rate, until they called me and said

    they could get the same album cheaper from some website. I

    think it was http://1stproweddingalbums.zoovy.com

    Its different with every couple.

  3. I've been playing with them for a while now, and a couple of them

    are really killing me. I told one the price would be 7000.00 dont

    worry about a contract, just send it "here" well he keeps

    emailing me saying the check should be here by now, its on its

    way etc... he must be a newbie.

  4. What Mary and Nancy said, If they spent money on it, then shoot

    it, but it shouldn't take up too much time. I try and do variations

    on the ring shots, because for some reason someone in the

    family ALWAYS suggests it or wants it. I just saw a local photogs

    website with a whole montage of the ring shot surrounded by

    flowers and birds and things... it was completely ridiculous, it

    was just a way to show off their knowledge of using layers in PS.

  5. Lake George NY. I week prior to my wedding. Ceremony starts,

    someone falls (an elderly person) breaks something, they call

    the ambulance The paramedics pull onto the lawn and jump out

    without putting it into gear, the ambulance takes off down the

    grassy hill and hits an onlooker, who is seriously hurt and others

    watch as the ambulance heads for the lake.

  6. Seriously, just go to any insurance office, tell them what your

    doing, a policy will run 500.00 a year (100.00) down and your

    done. They even put my assistants name on the policy. Its not a

    big ordeal at all to get it. Mine covers me for 500,000.00

  7. I normally start to feel very hungry an hour before, because my

    sugar drops from the adrenaline rush, so I have a bit of juice &

    relax. normally I'm on the road or in a hotel. If it is an hour before

    and I have nothing to do, I just show up and hang out with the

    bridal party, before I start shooting, that relaxes me.

  8. What Michael said, and also it just seems a bit weird to me that

    they would charge YOUR client 10,000.00 and hand you half,

    what would that include on your behalf. I have a friend who is a

    wonderful photographer, and works for a studio who charges

    about 4000.00 they send her out to shoot weddings on her own,

    they present the photos to the clients as the studios and she

    really gets no credit and a few bucks. I want more details from

    you because I'm really curious about how this would work, and I

    saw your images. They speak for themselves, your really

    talented, but would this put your name out there or theirs?

  9. Have worked in Westchester, Hiltons specifically, Thats why I

    initially got insurance, they demanded it, but never checked it

    when I arrived??! Im booked for August and Septmenber solid,

    but am still having a slow June/July. Someone said in this forum

    that the wedding season is changing to Aug-Dec instead of

    May-Sept. I believe it. I also have noticed that couple are waiting

    until about 3 months prior instead of the 6 months.

  10. WOW, its nice to receive so many points of view on this. I'm

    making my decision today. Since my first wedding in 1997 I've

    never had to deal with a situation like this. So, thanks to all of

    you for your thoughts, wish me luck! -K

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