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Image Comments posted by johnboy0103



    Well this is from the first roll of film using a new set of Kenko

    Extension tubes. This series is shot handheld with either 50 or 35mm


    Papa's Barn


    I like the subject and the composition, but agree that it looks a bit flat. I think a small tweak in the histogram or black level will make a huge difference.


    Best of luck.

  1. Its a very interesting shot, most people just take photos looking out towards London (myself included), but this shot is more intesting because of the inclusion of a 'capsule' as well as the houses of parliament.



    I have looked at the new crop, and it's not quite what I was thinking of. I meant the dark headland on the horizon.


    Hope this helps.


    Regards, John

  2. I like the way the light and shadow fall on the distant hills, and I think the shot would have been better if it was in 'landscape' orientation and showed more of the hills. The clouds add a nice drama to the sky but it's better to concentrate on the landscape and how the sky affects it.


    If you live locally then you are very lucky to be in such lovely countryside, make the most of it and keep with it, I'll all come good in the end.

    Virgin Creek Falls


    Great shot, great composition, great colours.


    I think maybe the shutter could have been slightly faster to capture a bit more detail in the main waterfall, apart from that its perfect.




    I like this shot for its peace and tranquility - there's no movement anywhere.


    I often critisize myself for putting the horizon right in the middle of the frame, but it works very well here.


    Well done.



    I think this is a nice shot, I agree on the 6/6. I would however mention that the land on the left edge 1/3 from bottom is a bit distracting, I would either crop it out - this accentuates the soletry figure and the sea, or alternatively shot wider to show more of it. Apart from that (just my preference), its great.





    When I first saw this I thought it must have been a Velvia 50 slide, look at the saturation on the green foreground. I can't beleive its digital the colours and saturation are brilliant.


    Nice shot.

  3. I must thank Jose for pointing out the blue cast in the original image. This is probably due a combinition of too much saturation and using too much analogue gain in Nikon Scan 4. I have altered my workflow and have gone back to viewscan. Here is the updated image with the viewscan workflow - it's much more true to the original slide.

  4. This was shot yesterday?

    The joy of digital - I use slides and have to wait to finish the film roll -send for delevoping - review - scan


    This is where it pays off, and a great shot to boot.

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