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Posts posted by ziopino

  1. Much has been said on the equipment you need, all is right depending on the experience and preferences of the blogger. There is only one small little thing that I would add, I actually buy one every time I buy a lense with a new diameter:




    I just cannot stop to thank those for the wonderful deep blu skies and the luscious green vegetation hues they give.

    You can replace almost any other filter with skillful postprocessing, not a polarizer. Good luck with your trip, and please, post your pics!

  2. I am fully convinced of the truth of your final assumption, that in the final quality of a picture there factors more important than megapixels. However, to be scientifically accurate, what your experiment proves is that IF you use photoshop re-sampling and IF you use the DURST printing system THEN the range of megapixel you have selected doe not yield discernible differences.


    Thanks for the pains of doing that.



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