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Posts posted by jason_dalrymple

  1. Greetings!


    I have always been an "old school" photographer, relying heavily on

    my trusty Minolta X70 for the past years, and have been hesitant to

    make the leap into the digital world.


    However, circumstances are now affording me the chance to get a nice

    digital SLR, and I'm wondering if anyone can make some

    recommendations that would make the transition from my Minolta to

    the digital world very easy...


    As for my primary usage, I'm a live music photographer, and almost

    NEVER use a flash, so the biggest keys for me are the ability to

    change shutter speed, fstop and aperture nearly instantly. With my

    Minolta, it's a simple turn of a knob and a twist on the lens. I'd

    also like to find a camera that can utilize the variety of lenses I

    have already, so that when I have the digital, the old lenses don't

    go to waste...


    I've been considering the Minolta Dimage 7hi, as it appears that is

    the only Minolta with interchangable lenses, and then the new Nikkon

    D70 and the Canon 10D...


    Any suggestions and pointers would be quite helpful!




  2. It would appear that Best Buy has the outfit available for order through their web site, and may have it in select stores at this time...Unfortunately, none of the stores in my area have it so I can give it a once over before making my own decision.
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