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Image Comments posted by assembler

  1. it's a very good photo, focus and exposure are exactly in place. I don't agree in the cropping of the photo, the birds and leading line give the whole photo integrety, it give is a set up. The photo is not of the girl but the girl in the city. The birds show that there is a 'world' out there ! things are happening. She is peeing on that world which is divided by that line (the wall).


    I don't know if the title is in place, I have never been to paris, but the style of the building and dress suggest somewhere european. The hat is typically french :P


    I am not a fan of tones either, but i must admit that it truly resonates the feel of the photo, and is much in place. Technically (personally) i can't find any flaws. only thing i personally would have reconcidered is the color of the outer border.


    This is a well deserved photo of the week, clearly this is just one of many great photos, exellent work!

    Le grand mensonge


    Love the use of shapes!

    Really interesting how the circles just resonate to the point of focus, bu at the same time you are drawn to the face. like this one alot.nice use of contrast too.



    Photo taken while on a boat trip on the coast of croatia. My friend

    was in a good mood, so i took a series of shots in coninuous mode,

    which gave an exellent reaction.



    Please leave a note of any ideas/suggestions.



    Nice set up, I like the style!

    Though i have to complain about the two pieces of paper catching light and my attention down at the bottom left. They DO add interest but i have a feeling the photo would be smoother without them


    It is great. I had a similar photo, but never ended up posting it. My reason was that such a photo lacks a pint of interest, eventhough the water and it simplicity is what is very interesting.



    Absolutly perfect photo, this is 100% my favorite style of photo.

    I am envious you live in such a neat country, where such a photo is possible...

    I rarely give a 7/7, but you get it because sytle, asthetics everything is just IN place!



    Yes the shot is brilliantly funny!

    The only things i think could have been done differently is;

    1. The police could have been shot not so close to the frame border. Usually this is done to emphesize the distance between two elemnts (one on the right and one on the left)

    2. As others complained the DOF. The cop on the right is a main subject yet he has no focus.


    Nonetheless it is good and idea is brill!

    "the Beach"


    I love the angle actually! but yet again i am a sucked for diagonals :)

    what i like in this is the motion. For me the diagonal is a strong vector leading from bottom left to top right, in contrast the girl is looking in opposition. Even another vector is the effect of wind on her hair, this all creates an elegant tention, which i beleive compliments this sort of shot of a model. It goes with the stop motion of the splashing water, and the look of indifference is another factor which i think blends in well witht he whole picture.


    I can't think about anything to complain about (lighting is good too) exept maybe the frame dimentions, i wonder how it would look if it was framed wider.




    Please drop a comment and let me know what you think of this photo!

    Technical details are much welcome! also drop a rating if you wish.

    For those who are going to through a high/low rating DO explain what

    made you so strongly opinionated.

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