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Posts posted by toan_pham1

  1. <p>Thank you for your advices. <br>

    I forgot to mention that I did have a UV filter on and no water got past that onto the lens itself (when I said I clean the front element, I meant the filter, sorry).<br>

    I immediately wiped the joint between the inner and outer barrel with my T-shirt then I zoomed in and out, wiping the inner barrel each time and eventually the amount of water got less and less. The patch of water left on the inner barrel when I zoom in and out was about 1.5" wide. I also tried to push a then piece of tissue paper between the 2 barrels to dry it but the tissue was stopped by something and was scrunched up; hopefully it's a seal of some sort.<br>

    I can't see any fogging so far. Shots came out ok so far. Focus and zooming still smooth. From outside it's like brand new. <br>

    The problem I see with sending to Nikon is that the repair centre is Camera Clinic and they did a blotchy job last time: they reused the sticker ring covering the screw of the front element (so it was all wrinkley and didn't stick properly); also the lens was so full of dust I was horrified. Wish there is a real Nikon service centre like Nikon USA.<br>

    Fingers crossed.</p>

  2. <p>Hello everyone,<br>

    I am in a panic at them moment. I was at the beach today and wanting to get as low as possible to the water surface for some dramatic shot when my D700 with 24-70mm G lens were hit by a wave!! I had hood on as well.<br>

    Most of the water was caught inside the hood and thus where the inner barrel moves in and out as we zoom. I immediately took off the hood and dried the front element but the zoom barrel is a bit harder to get into. It's competely dry outside now but I don't know how much water (salt water) got in between the 2 barrels. Is there a seal there? and how strong is it? enough to withstand a minor wave?<br>

    Thanks everyone. <br /><br />Toan.</p>

  3. Hello everyone,


    Looking through the photos I took today, I found a BIG dust bunny on a series of photos at the same spot; I mean

    BIG because it was visible at f/2.8 and f/4.


    I immediately used the dust cleaning system and it got rid of the dust bunny. However, I am wondering where the

    dust bin is. Olympus says theirs have a sticky tape that picks up the dust. Does Nikon have something similar?

    Otherwise over time, I am worried the space between the sensor and the shutter is going to get filled up with dust

    and the cleaning system just can't cope anymore.


    If anyone has info on this topic, much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Well.. this is the 3rd sample i've been through. The 1st one had a rub mark on the front element. 2nd had a 15mm scratch on front element. this 3rd one has dust in it.


    I guess it's the best one isn't it? As for sending it back to Nikon, Camera Clinic in Melbourne (ie. the only official service centre) does not have a clean room. Last time I sent a 24-85mm AF-S back to them, it came back worse with swirl marks on the inner elements and more dust than before i sent it.





  5. Just got my new Nikon 24-70mm 2.8G and it's already got a spec of lint/dust in it. Pretty big one too. Just wondering

    if these lenses are meant to be weatherproof, are they also dust proof? In case the seals are not working and dust

    gets in.


    Could someone with this same lens share if their's have dust in it?


    Otherwise I am VERY IMPRESSED with sharpness, even wide open. Can see all tiny holes on my speaker grill from

    2 meters away.


    Thanks in advance. :)

  6. My brand new AF-S 24-70mm has a coating rub mark on it. I went to exchange and noticed the other lens at the shop had a 1.5cm long scratch at the edge. All BRAND NEW lenses. How disappointing of Nikon QC.
  7. My few days old D700 already has dust under the top LCD! What's going on with weather seals! Actually I am guilty of a few of those specs using a rocket blower thingy to get the surface clean to put on a screen protector.
  8. Thanks so much for all the detailed replies.


    Now I have 2 queries:


    1. how do those sigma lenses perform? I was reading up on them and the general concern have been the 24-70mm is soft from 40mm-70mm even stopped down. Does Tamron/Tokina etc make any good 2.8 zooms?


    2. Following on from the Nikon 20-35mm 2.8 recommendation, how would a 17-35mm 2.8 fit as a walkabout? is it to wide?



  9. Hello everyone.


    It's been 3 years since I last posted on photo.net (or did anything photography) and boy has things change. Now I've

    graduated from Uni, I've decided to pursue my photography hobby again.


    Current set up is F801s (N8008s) + Nikon 35-70mm f/2.8 (non-D), Tamron SP 90mm f/2.5 macro, Nikon 50mm AF

    f/1.8D, Sigma 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 AF (dinosaur), Tokina ATX AF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5.


    I've just acquired a D700 kit with 24-120mm and I intend to sell the lens to get a better lens. I can't afford Nikon's

    latest 24-70mm 2.8 so I was hoping for recommendation for walk about normal zoom preferable with 24mm wide end

    (but 28mm is ok) and 2.8 for <$1000. The Nikon 35-70mm has good IQ but not wide enough. I would like to change

    lens as little as possible as I am worried about dust on sensor.


    Since I haven't been following photo gears for 3 years and I'm sure alot has changed, I am open to all suggestions.


    Thank you very much in advance.



  10. Hello,


    My 2nd hand 35-70mm f/2.8 is becoming loose. By that I mean the

    joint between the front barrel and the apperture-ring/mount. There

    is movement & a gap between the markings of 70mm focal length and

    the white dash on the apperture ring indicating the current

    apperture. It is so bad that infinity focus is not achieved until

    you press the lens against the camera body (particularly hard at the

    35mm end since it's a push and pull lens).


    I was wondering if anyone has had this problem and how to fix it. I

    am very keen on doing it at home because I don't think I can afford

    to take it to Nikon (or any professional repairer). Could someone

    please help me.


    Thanks very much in advance.

  11. Thank you all for your detailed reply. I appreciate it very much! ^__^


    The print size I did was 6x4. Also, the reason I am worried is because I bought the lens 2nd hand only recently. I hope that it was not a ring from some other lens stuck on my lens for repair purposes.


    Also, is it possible that infinity focus is out of wack? How can you test for this?


    I am posting a picture of the lens and also the pics I am unhappy about.


    Please tell me what you think.


    Once again, THANK YOU HEAPS!<div>00CegF-24307084.jpg.9ba12298308afdb9bbabdf78c5f9bde8.jpg</div>

  12. Hello everyone,


    I have a question needing your help. I have a Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI

    lens. For some reason, when I try hyperfocal focussing using the DOF

    scale, the results are disappointing.


    This is what I am doing. I set the apperture to the one that I want.

    Then look at the coloured DOF marks on the lens. I set the infinity

    mark on the coloured mark for the f-stop I am using. Then shoot.


    The problems I have are:


    1. Infinity doesn't seem sharp.


    2. Buildings 20m away dont' seem sharp (even at f/16).



    Another thing I saw is that from DOF tables on the net, when I focus

    at the hyperfocal distance, the infinity mark doesn't line up with

    the right coloured marker for the particular f-stop.


    Could someone please post a picture of their DOF ring on their 24mm

    AI lens so I can compare?


    Many thanks in advance!

  13. Hello everyone.


    First, thank you very much in advance for reading and answering my query.


    My query is about the many versions of the 90mm Macro lens from Tamron. I have read

    that it is excellent but I am not sure which version are those comments referring to.


    I see the 52B (49mm filter) around my budget. Then I read about th 52BB (55mm filter).

    Now I am confused. Then there is the AF versions. I am really really confused as which one

    is good because of such price differences between the models.


    Can you please share your experience with me about these Tamron 90mm macro lenses?


    Thank you again for your time and help.

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