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Posts posted by sz2

  1. I apologize in advance if this question has been asked - I could not

    find it by searching and am somewhat new to this site.


    I am an amateur photographer and have done very limited selling and

    publishing of my work. Most of the photos I have published have been

    in a Harvard academic magazine that I provide photos to for free

    because I have sort of a bartering thing going on with the editor -

    she has provided me with connections to sell my articles (my primary



    To get to the point, recently a designer for an educational book

    series asked her for my contact information because they are

    interested in using them in the series (about Latino immigrants in

    the U.S.). The designer contacted me and asked if she could pay me

    for use of my photos in bulk and how much I would charge per photo to

    do so.


    How much is standard to charge per photo for shots used in academic

    textbooks? I talked to one person who told me $50-100 for a cover

    photo, but I have gotten little advice beyond that. I have only sold

    individual fine art photos and don't know much about this sort of

    thing. I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledege, and deeply

    appreciate any advice - Thank you.

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