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Image Comments posted by vincent_martin

    Ras Nungwi Beach

    i noticed the line going into the camels butt more so that through the guys head. How wonderful to capture different shades of blue in one picture of the same body of water. The line could easil.y have been removed if that was desired. Then no one would have known and the picture would have never made it to photo of the week! Ha! Pick your sailing course carefully, there are sand bars. This picture leaves me wanting more. I want to see wider. I want to know where the boat was going, I want to see farther down the beach in both directions. So what if there is a camel and two people and a sailboat in the frame? Good timing? What is happening here? Cary another body with a wide angle handy for situaltions like this. Make a before and after. I must confess I read only a couple of the above comments. If those guys were on the camel this would be better. You should have run down (or had some other capeable person do it) and ask them to get on and walk by again and wait for the next boat to pass. With a little effort one only needs to go to a place like this to create a photograph much more interesting than this. good job.
  1. Use a split ND filter upside down for the horizon and lower to keep the ground lights crisp. If those werent washed out this would be spectacular. Or take another shot for the sake of getting crisp ground lights and interlace seemlessly in photoshop which would make it easier. i am not familiar with ND filters that much but that may not even work unless it was a ton of stops given the exposure time. and thoughts on this?
  2. This is with velvia 50. Scanned in with a artixscan 4000t, no color

    modifications or alterations. Taken with elan II, ef 70-200 IS,

    probably at like 135mm. I might have been able to stop down a little

    to 4 or 4.5 but probably kept the exposure faster than 250/sec with IS

    on. I spent a few minutes removing dust and the like in PS. I made a

    supersharp 8 by 10 print from the 58mb scan(8bit rgb) (down to 8mb

    jpeg before printing).

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