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hans imglueck

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Image Comments posted by hans imglueck


    I like the composition much - the upper darker parts give a nice framing and the shape of the wings fit perfect to the frame. Well done!
  1. I like the way the colored eye pops out off this otherwise moderately colored image. Details and sharpness are also subperb. Composition might improve giving some extra space on the right and top to move the eye in a more effective position. Anyway great shot - congratulations!

    Flies eye

    Many thanks for your kind comments. Yes the overlay is to enlarge DOF. I do it with Jasc Paintshop using layers and masks (it is also necessary to adjust the image size to compensate for the different magnifications of the layers). I used no tripod but could lay the front of the lens on the rock where the fly was sitting. Using a small f stop gave me a fast shutter speed but also small DOF. I moved the lens back and forth and took several shots. Using small f stops gives also better results since beyond f11 the image quality will be reduced due to light bending. However this will matter only when one manages to keep the lens and camera steady enough to exclude motion blur. Best regards, Hans.


    This is a very good first try. Focal plane and light are very well handled. Only thing I find a little bit disturbing is the dark shape in the left foreground. Well done!

    Fly portrait

    Even the presented low res image gives the impression of softness also on the eye. This is not a proplem of low DOF since DOW is high enough. I think that has to do with the extension tubes and the used TC. Modern macro lenses having floating elements are not ment to use together with extention tubes - the optical performance will degrade heavily. TC makes it worse. Maybe an old bellows macro lens on a bellow would perform much better. Otherwise very good shot - especially the light ist very natural.


    I like this one really much. First thought that it is mirrored - it is almost symmetrically but not really - and that is pleasing me. The colors and the out of focus blur are beautiful. Congratulations! (7/7)

    All the life turget

    Interesting scene. Cropping away some part of the top would bring the bugs more out of the center which might improve the composition. The rendition of the bugs and lower part is perfect. Also I like the smooth background. Congratulations.
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