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Image Comments posted by r


    Me too, very impressed, such control of highlights,shadow,texture beautifully done. And something that makes me look twice: the hand being swapped over, making it mysteriously almost not your hand briefly. Great work.


    Don, i think this one's brilliant and i don't know how it happened, but somehow, Ben began to find the fetch-toy, than also sniff out every surface it touched or bounced on during the throw - so, a skillful human player can throw with a maximum number of bounces in hard to crane-your-neck-and-sniff-at places - effectively stretching the guitar jamming time between re-throws and i think i already mentioned it but, brilliant shot!


    nice surprise to find you guys here, qnd pleqse forgive ,y poor qnd ql,ost illegible hqndariting, these french keyboqrds;;; qll the letters qre in the arong plqce; :))

    Qbout the photo: i'm pqrticulqrly interested in for,s thqt beqr q strong fqciql rese,blqnce; I found this to be ,y ,ost poaerful yet, thqt chipped qnd shqtttered edge cqrries auite qn e,otive qssociqtive 'hook' for just qbout qnyone;

    Don, Vi, thqnks for stopping by greqtly

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