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Posts posted by gordon_george

  1. <p>Gary - thank you ever so much.<br>

    This has been extremely helpful for me. I'll just have to keep working on my "picture taking" skills. You're absolutely correct, doing it right the first time is far better than trying to correct it in post processing.<br>

    As mentioned, I originally shot this image in Nikon RAW format and it was even MORE UNDEREXPOSED! I compensated in the jpeg above using the levels/curves in Nikon Capture NX .. and brought it up to what I thought was more normal exposure.<br>

    I just reset my D300 and switched it over to spot metering as yo uhave suggested. And I am going to investigate Noise Ninja. Do you know if it works with Nikon Capture?<br>

    Again, thank you so much.<br>


    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Good morning.<br>

    I am a journalist but I also take images to accompany my magazine features (so a writer first and foremost and photographer a very distant second).<br>

    I shoot a Nikon D300 and always shoot my images RAW. Then I use Nikon Capture NX to adjust the images (white balance, light levels, cropping and sharpening etc). <br>

    Finally, I save the adjusted files as smaller JPEGs and send them to the magazines via their ftp sites.<br>

    One of the Art Directors yesterday sent me a note suggesting some of the jpegs appeared "grainy" and I'd like to get at the usual cause of graininess when coverting an image from large file size RAW to a smaller file size jpeg.<br>

    My suspicion is that I may be over sharpening the images but I'd appreciate hearing from the experts. Is over sharpening the most likely cause? Or is there another reason that the jpegs are grainier than the orignal RAW images?<br>

    Thank you for your help!</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. Hello.


    I just inherited an Epson 2450 Photo scanner - but there is no manual with it.


    It scans 35 mm slides resonably well in the auto mode but the images all seem

    to have a slight reddish hue to them.


    I don't have a manual and was wondering ...


    1) where can I find a manual - is there an online source?


    2) Can I reduce the reddish hue if I go to the manual mode versus automatic -

    or is this a Photoshop project?


    Thanks a bunch.

  4. I have a Nikon D100.


    When I burn images onto a CD and then share send them to friends ...

    how can I also save the shooting data so my friends can see the

    various settings I used and critque the images ... after they load up

    the CD?

  5. I was going to download some custom tone curves that I've found on

    what appear to be reputable sites.


    The folks all say it is a simple procedure ... and even provide

    custom curves that one can download and save for installing.


    But no one seems to mention if the downloads are compataible with PC

    or Macs.


    Doesn't it matter?????????


    Also .. if after downloading a custom curve ... if I am not satisfied

    and want to go back to the original Nikon curve ... where would I

    find it?

  6. I was shooting a subject in a boat the other day in dark, dreary,

    overcast mid day conditions.


    I used the flash assuming I could fill in details ... but the images

    all came back very underexposed. Almost to the point where I

    couldn't bring them back even with photoshop.


    I am new to the D100 ... did I do something wrong????


    I am going to change the custom tone curve ... will that help??

  7. I have a new Nikon Digital D100. First digital.


    I've noticed that everything I seem to shoot appears to be slightly

    under exposed.


    I've also noticed that when I open Nikon Editor and use even the

    simple auto contrast button ... that everything pops immediately into

    view much brighter, much crisper and the way it appeared in the field.



    Is this apparent under exposure common ... and is there a setting or

    two I can change on the camera itself to make images more accutrate

    to begin with?


    Thanks a bunch for your help.

  8. Help please!!!!!!!!!!!


    Purchased a Nikon D100 ... and now that I;ve taken some shots I want

    to view on the computer. I've loaded up the Nikon View software and

    have connected my camera to the computer ... but it doesn't transfer

    the images.


    When I check the Device Manager there is a yellow "?" beside the

    Nikon name.

    This is driving me crazy ... spent hours and hours reinstalling the

    darn program but to no avail.


    What am I doing wrong ... and more importantly, how can I solve this



    Thanks a bunch for any and all help!!!!!!!

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