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Posts posted by aaron_beck

  1. hi bob,


    i have had error 99 problems with my 300d and extension tubes. the problem seems to spring from a lack of decent contact between the electrical connections, -some lenses have slighty more raised contacts and therefore ensure enough current to flow, while others [like my efs 18-55] have slighty lower contacts, and i get an error.


    there's probably nothing wrong with your extension tubes. i added a bit of solder to the tips of the contacts in my tubes, and now they work fine...

  2. here's it mounted. goes like this:


    CAMERA BODY - REVERSE APAPTER [extension tube end] - REVERSING RING - LENS - REVERSE ADAPTER [lens cap end]




    i haven't included my flash rig which consists of a 220EX on a manfroto micro ball-head, on a plate which attaches to the cameras tripod mount. works a treat with a piece of tracing paper slipped inbetween the lens and the end cap of the reverser to act as a diffuser.




  3. ever tried to focus on a moving spider with a manual aperture reversed lens set at f16?

    he he he

    it gets pretty fuckin dark!


    i highly recomend making the effort to build an adapter [or get one built, try your local electrical engineer, this kind of thing is a piece of cake for them...] or buy the novoflex...


    you can focus and frame with the lens wide open, and the camera can do everything automatically. it even wants to auto focus [which is a pain in the ass, but in MF the focus indicators in the view finders light up when focus is achieved - which is pretty cool]


    another thing is E-TTL flash, which i have found doesn't work with a standard non-connected reversed lens. and the 300d doesn't have exposure compensation... the built in flash exposes properly, but use any other flash and you get underexposed images, which you can do nothing about.


    as for a step by step.... you just need to buy the bits and take them to an electrical engineer, they have all the necessary tools... good luck! it's worth it!<div>007mNj-17191484.jpg.3a86d824df303a508e5f180cc238b802.jpg</div>

  4. hi there,

    just wondering if you have had any success with mounting the ef-s 18-55mm on a 10d once you hack off the back? i am possibly looking at upgrading to a 10d [i have a 300d that keeps fucking out on me, so they might replace it, and i'll pay a bit more and get a 10d]


    but that 18-55mm lens is pretty damn good, i borrowed a 17-40L with the intention of buying it, and did some tests. the images had better contrast, sharpness, and saturation. but the same image, shot with the same settings with the 18-55, once graded in photoshop, was indistinguishable from the 17-40 shot! the 17-40 had less distortion, and was far nicer to hold and use, but i just couldn't justify it!


    and the 18-55 makes a beautifull 1x - 4x macro lens when reversed.

    very nearly as good as the mpe-65, check out my images!...


    so i'd love it if the 18-55 works on the 10d, as it makes an awesome travel lens for standard and macro photography.<div>007m9V-17180884.jpg.23f9bfe2d0a1f4623525073e4d2fa5a9.jpg</div>

  5. the extension tube has exposed pins to connect the contacts when used normally. so a coiled cable with the correct amount of contacts was soldered on to these. the cable was run through a hole drilled in the side of the tube. the other end has gold pins inserted through the cap in the right position, and soldered to the corresponding wires.

    i covered the exposed pins with a bit off the bottom of a coke can.


    everything has been coverd with a healthy dose of araldite...

    it's rugged, looks good, and works perfectly. i can't recommend doing something like this enough, it works so well. good luck.

  6. not a question but anyway:


    if you have an eos 300d kit you have a powerfull macro lens,

    the quality of which rivals the mpe-65! when reversed the ef-s

    18-55mm becomes a 1x to 4x macro zoom. check out my homemade

    reverse adapter below, a fraction of the cost of the novoflex.

    and all you need to carry around are two little rings!

    [i haven't included the reversing ring that you screw into the

    front of the lens to mount it on the adapter, i used a modified

    bodycap glued to a filter with no glass...]


    check out my images for the results.


    if you try this i recomend the following settings:

    diffraction affects image quality as you get towards the

    18mm [4x] end.


    so for 55mm,[1x] f20 gives good sharp images

    f11 for 35mm

    f8 for 18mm




  7. hi there,

    i'm new to this site, and new to canon's 300d...

    i recently got the 300d and it has taken over my life...

    had it for just over one month, took nearly 3000 photo's, and now

    it's off getting fixed... just wouldn't turn on one day.


    just wondering if anyone has some tips for macro shooting techniques.

    i can't afford the mpe-65, but have found the 18-55 efs to be pretty

    damn good when reversed [see my pics], i have a home made reverse

    adapter to preserve lens contacts... i can recommend making the

    effort to make up an adapter [i used a 13mm marumi extension tube

    for the camera end and a cut up lens ass-cap for the lens end], or

    getting the novoflex... same lens for high-mag macro, and wide angle

    to standard... sweet as!


    has anyone had much experience with reversed ef lenses? i'm thinking

    about getting a prime to increase sharpness, and have found that

    lenses give softer images as you go wider, ie: a 35mm is razor sharp,

    but 18mm on the zoom is pretty soft...


    any tips?


    sorry if this is confusing, basically i just want to find out if

    image softness is proportional to how wide a lens you use...




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