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Image Comments posted by snorkler

  1. Very nice perspective shot and the building has a tremendous amount of character. My only criticism is the bright sky is competing with the subject, particularly the very bright area at the top, it draws your eye. Either using a graduated neutral density filter when taking the shot or another crop or some photoshop might improve this aspect.


    Still a very nice image over all 5/6.



    Friendly Horse


    You have to be careful of your exposure when shooting in snow. If you shoot in program mode your camera will make your image too dark and you need to over expose by 1 to 2 stops. Notice how the background is exposed well but the horse�s face is dark and you can see the detail in the eyes? The most important feature of any animal is it�s eyes. We want to engage with the eyes and when they are dark it�s not a pleasing an experience as it could be. Additionally it would take about 2 seconds to crop the car door protruding into the edge of the image with an image editing program.


    I hope you take these comments in the constructive manner in which they are intended. If the friendly horse lives nearby you might consider going back for another visit as it certainly is a nice subject.


    Wooden Walls

    Nice symmetrical composition and the hallway is a good framing mechanism. I do think it would be better if the contrast was boosted and there was some whiter whites in the image, but that�s personal taste.
  2. Outstanding multiple exposure, great color and wonderful feeling in this image. The one improvement I would suggest is either cropping the bright white on the left edge or try to tone it down. Your eye is immediately drawn to the bright spot, a slight crop and you eye will go down the line of trees as I think you probably intended. Still a very fine job.
  3. Very nice night image in Vegas, great color and composition. The only suggestion I have is the water looks tilted but the buildings do not. Perhaps a bit of perspective correction might be in order. Still a very nice image 5/6.

    Dragonfly on a Log

    Nice color in this image and nice detail in the wings and back. One suggestion for improvement would be for the eyes to be in sharper focus, probably the most important area of focus for creatures. Either more depth of field or changed location of the focus point would achieve this.

    Field of Wheat

    This is another really nice b&w Phillip, you really have the knack for this type of image. The only think I would consider is angling the camera down a little more and reducing the sky and getting more foreground. However as it is, this is a dramatic and beautiful image.


    He's such an easy model...my wife captured a good image of him last week doing this, and I got one the other day a little be closer in.He loves you to turn on the water in the bath tub and he hops in for a drink...he get's a little wet, but he doesn't appear to care too much.Here's another one just a second later, I love how the water looks in this one...


    a simple woman


    It's a nice composition and lighting. I think the hands look a bit awkward and it's and a stiff pose. A little soft on the focus (could be intentional) in the face, while the jeans appear sharp.


    P.S. You have a very nice portfolio.



    Selective de-saturation is nice, but I think I would like it better if the color of the guitar was more realistic and not so super saturated. The neck of the guitar needs to be edited a little cleaner too. It takes practice to get it to look right. Keep trying, you've basically got a good shot and idea.


    You've done a good job getting the background out of focus, but the background brightness is distracting to the main subject. If you have an angle that wasn't such a white background, it think it would improve this image. A fill flash (not regular flash), could help. Also if you could isolate more and not overlap with the other flower that would help.


    I like the idea here. Good pose and expression too, and it's a sharp image as well. A couple things I could suggest to make this a more successful image is use a shallower depth of field (f2.8-4.5) and throw the background out of focus. It's (the background) competing with the subject and it's also too light, it draws the eye away. Also the lighting is a bit harsh. You might want to try this shot earlier in the day or late in the afternoon when the sun isn't so strong, or on a more overcast day. You've got a great start here, I hope my suggestions might help to make your images even better.
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