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Image Comments posted by djmorgan



    Thank you for the nice comments. I wondered if people would comment on the arch...it was in the original crop but got clipped when I "framed" it. It is in the original and looks better with it included.


    This was taken just before sun down. The sun sets is directly to the right and has a clear "view" directly into this patio. I presumed it was designed that way on purpose when it was built in 1755. (www.nps.gov/saan/visit/MissionConcepcion.htm).


    I don't think the bench was there then, though. :)

  1. I love this photo..the mood is spectacular and the colors are wonderful. If you have a chance, see if you can crop in closer to make the castle (building?) a little more prominent. Not sure it can be improved much, however, 7/6
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