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Image Comments posted by sapphire

    Todays' catch

    I like the alterted perspective. It looks like this man is standing in front of a green screen used in film. I don't understand what the overall blue tint is about though.


    I love the subject matter, I love the composition, I don't even mind the tilt. The only thing that keeps me from totally loving this shot is the lighting. I think that you needed to keep the edges of the glass from blowing out and work a little harder at keeping the flare off the plexiglass.
  1. Thanks for explaining the lighting details. I like how you built this composition. It is a bit dark on the left as we all have noticed. It will bother some and not others. As for me I like the top of the wheat against the black, and would have preferred to have the light a little more balanced. Excellent composition. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

    Who's the boss

    I agree with PF -- nothing wrong with this compositon. For me the secondary subject is the dynamics between these three people (clearly depictling who the boss is). The main subject is the wonderful graphic layers of cobblestone that provide an interesting foundation for the arches. I very much enjoy this vantage point... ie. the most distant arch supplies a natural frame for the man, and because he is weighted to the right of it my eye naturally scans the left of the photo, (ater investigating the highlights), where I then find the trio. I appreciate the complexity of this image. And thanks for the nice shadow area of the arch. It helps me to enjoy the interesing patterns. Good job!

    Magical light

    You have paid close attention to every detail in the framing of this image. The saturation is pleasing. I think that you might have lost the subtle effect of the fog if you had any more detail in the shadow area.


    It's a masterpiece. You have paid such close attention to all the little details, so, I know you must have a reason that you omitted the little girls feet?

    waiting 2

    I went into your portfolio to compare the two images and I think you hit the nail on the head with the changes you have made. Very interesting portrait. I love the balance you have achieved in the positioning of the subjects. I think that the space on the top provides for an interesting backdrop. My eyes are drawn to the old mans hands, and it does not bother me that I can't see them all. I love the pensiveness of both of these gentlemens expressions.
  2. The reason a camera has an aperture is to be able to use it to make aesthetic choices as well as properly expose the film. You made some good choices here. Normally I find it distracting if the image has the bottom cut off, but in this case I think it actually helps ground the image, and the fact that you paid so much attention to where you wanted each and every element in the frame speaks to your mastery of detail. If you would have done anything different it would not have improved this spectacular, well balanced piece of art.
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