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Posts posted by debbe_scott

  1. Thanks again, I will take this into consideration....I think I'll mildly experiment tomorrow night and see what happens. I would just like a bit more existing light.

    Also, I am just talking about pre-ceremony pictures. The pictures during the wedding and at the reception are fine and I have that pretty much under control...well as control as you can have at a wedding! ha

    Also my flash is a hand held 544 Sunpak. I do not normally take a second flash (but may consider doing that).

  2. Thanks for all the response that is why I love forums!

    I do not ever shoot with flash during ceremony. I inform the B&G up front that I do not use a flash and it will look "candlelit". So I slow the shutter and lower the fstop all the way normally and my pictures turn out great. The B&G always comment on them and love those taken at that time. I just assume that a church does not want you to use flash, although I have shot lots of weddings where guests take pictures and use flash and I think it is disrespectful.

    I do use flash before wedding when taking pictures and also in the reception. I always shoot on a tripod except the reception.

    I think I'll give 400 ASA a try and also this Friday night's wedding I think I'll do some test shots slowing my shutter to allow for more existing light. I have been shooting 30th at 5.6 or even

    60th/5.6 on tripod with 544 Sunpak hand held flash. AND 100 ASA.

    I can not get 400 here in time to use Friday night, but will try in future...my question is....if I show shutter to 15th or lower, do I leave my fstop alone....do I keep at 5.6 or 8. will that give me less flash look and more ambient look.?

  3. Mary, thank you. Yes I hope to get lots of ideas. You may think I'm crazy, but I learned from someone and have used 100 speed, Kodak Portra...I think I'll go down to photo supply and get some high speed to do some testing with this weekend.

    NO FLASH!! Wow...that would scare me to death!! ha....but I'm going to give it a try and see what I come up with, again, on some test shots. Thanks a bunch.

  4. Hello, I am new to this forum and would like some feed back on what

    kinds of flash you use during a wedding at a church. I am currently

    a film only photographer and have been doing weddings for about 6 or

    7 years now. (One might think after that long, I would not have this

    issue) My pictures looked more flashed instead of ambient light.

    They look good (I would think of course! ha) But I would like more

    existing light. I normally shoot in a church on 30th at a fstop of

    5.6. I use a Mamiya AF with a Sunpak hand held flash. I normally

    take it off the bracket and hold higher with left hand so to chase

    down any shadows that may exist.

    What will it do if I drop my shutter to say a 15th....? Do I adjust

    my fstop....or is it the shutter that will allow more existing light

    in? Can I slow even more since I shoot on a tripod. I have a

    wedding this Friday night and thought I'd make notes and do a couple

    of test shots.

    I also saw another photographer use a round hand held flash with a

    diffuser over it...like a cap dont' know what kind it was, but saw

    his pictures and the lighting was great.

    I guess I'm just not satisfied with my look any longer. Do any of

    you ever experience that?

    Thanks alot. I have used several forums and love being able to get

    input from others.

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