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Posts posted by mm1664877714

  1. Besides the three major differences between the two, price, capture

    speed, and pixels per picture, what other major differences are

    between the two? I use currently have a 1VHS and a 10D. Please

    don't compare it to the 10D I know it is night and day, but I want to

    know is it justified for be to pay 3K more to get the 1Ds Mark II. I

    shoot all around photos which include sports, but I do have a studio

    as well which I take pictures of models and events as well. Please

    answer if you have used both cameras and you know there limitations

    in actual real life situations. Paper is one thing and using it is



    Your help is truly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Phil;


    I appreciate the focus test URL, I actually did the test and it came out fine. The manual test came out better than the USM. So John you are corret, manual is the best way to go. It is good to think the systems you pay for sometimes can do it better than you though! I have posted the results of the test for Bob to see what he thinks. I hope I hear form him.


    Thanks both of you for your great comments.

  3. Puppy Face;


    You have hit it on the nose. My comparisons have been with my 1VHS and how precise that camera is in it's metering, focusing and ... At the same time I am NOT comparing the 10D with the 1VHS or else I would have gotten the 1D or 1D Mark II.


    I thank you for your comments, your last comment about some needed to get recalibrated. How do you if a 10D needs to get recalibrated or not? Is there a test that one does? Does Canon know about this or is there a site I can go to get more info on this recalibration issue? Thanks

  4. Sandy;


    I actually love this picture of your. I looked at it a while back and liked the innocent look of your subject. I appreciate you input. You own both components I assume. Did you have to make special adjustments on the camera to get sharper images? As much as I love this image you have put up, I don't think the subject is sharp, her earring is sharp, her face is not and that is my issue. To be exact on my example to you with your picture, I focus on her nose with my center square focusing point, but then her earring is in focus, not where I had focused. This is my problem with this lens, and the 10D. I hope I have explained myself well.

  5. Peter;


    I thank you for your in-depth answer. To respond to some of your questions, I only shoot in RAW, never JPEG. I have my parameters in my 10D set at 1 for contrast and 2 for sharpness. In regards to screens, you are absolutely correct, I am using a high-end FP screen which does make a difference. The unsharp capability through PS I know how to do, but my question is why do we need to do that when we are using such a great camera with such a great lens? I understand the filter and writing process which does cause some softness in an image in all digital cameras, but my question is this particular lens with this particular camera.


    I will look at the books you have recommended, having extra knowledge never hurts. Your input is appreciated.

  6. Charles;


    Thanks for your comment. I know about this tool which works very well. My concern is regarding the 10D, if people have seen an issue with is and in particular the combination of these two components. Also see if one has a good test method that I could see if there is an issue with my camera or lense.

  7. Phil;


    I am an experienced photographer thanks for asking. Let me give you a situation. I was taking a picture of a duck and the focusing was set to center weight on the camera, the lens was set to IS1 and I was at f8 and was using 200mm at 1/400. I focused on his eyes. The duck looked so crisp when I took the picture, after when I saw the picture his eyes were completly of focus and he was NOT moving.


    Another test was a flowerwhich I took pictures of it's bud, the bud was out of focus but the rest of it was in focus. It was taken at 1/250 at f8. Through Canon's program you can see where the focus was on and that area was not focused.


    Because I have the best lens and one of the best cameras I am asking this question. I have taken pictures with this lens and my 1VHS and they are great as they should be with FILM, but with my other lenses as I take pictures with my 10D I don't have this issue. The other lenses I have are 24-80mm 2.8L, 100mm 2.8L Macro, 27-80mm 2.8L.

  8. I wanted to ask you if you have encountered the issue I have with my

    70-200EF 2.8L IS USM lens and my 10D. I see great images before

    taking them, but after they are taken the images are not at all what

    I had expected them to be. The sharpness is my issue not anything

    else. Please don't misunderstand when I say that what I see I don't

    get form the camera, I am only talking about the sharpness or else

    we would be the best photographers in the World.


    The lens is new, the camera is new and I have taken many tests and

    have checked the focusing point and it was dead on the subject, but

    it was not crisp as it should have been. I have gone through and

    set the setting of the camera to do some sharpening to see if that

    makes some changes, but very little. What do you think? If you

    have a perfect way of testing the lens or the camera please let me

    know because I can still do something with them through Canon. Your

    comments are appreciated.

  9. All your comments were great and very helpful. I have ordered the 10D and I should have it tomorrow and I will start playing with it. Since I am use to my 1VHS, I hope this will give me many of the capabilities as the 1VHS did. Again your comments were great and I thank you for it and soon you will be sing the pictures I will be taking with the 10D. Keep a watch for those pictures. More recommendation are still welcome, but for those who have commented already thanks.
  10. All your comments were great and very helpful. I have ordered the 10D and I should have it tomorrow and I will start playing with it. Since I am use to my 1VHS, I hope this will give me many of the capabilities as the 1VHS did. Again your comments were great and I thank you for it and soon you will be sing the pictures I will be taking with the 10D. Keep a watch for those pictures. More recommendation are still welcome, but for those who have commented already thanks.
  11. I am an old time Canon user and have a few 1VHS cameras with few

    fantastic L series lenses. Recently I sold my older Canon digital

    cameras and purchased the Digital Rebel.


    I want to know is there anyone out there who compared the Digital

    Rebel with 10D? If so what did you think and what did you like and

    or dislike about the cameras? I am thinking of purchasing the 10D

    and want to see if it is worth it to do it or not. Your comments

    would be appreciated.

  12. Well the support team has answered and they have resolved all my issues. It took some time and many emails, but I guess this outage effected many users like myself. Great job with the support staff and a recommendation for the future, try to give a quicker response that you are aware of one issue and that you are working on it and it will be resolved in a few days.


    Thanks and thanks to the rest of your comments as well.



  13. I became a paid subscriber last weekend before the server crapped

    out. Now that you have reverted to the old database or server, I

    have lost me being a subscriber to Photo.net, I lost 8 pictures,

    lost all the comments I had made, lost all my modifications to my

    equipment, and have lost the critiques for my 4 pictures.


    I have sent over 4 messages to Contact Us but have gotten no

    responses, I have sent an email to the email address that came with

    my receipt when I paid my subscription fee with a copy of that email

    and have gotten no response and still not a subscriber.


    If you the technical support is reading this message or know of a

    person who can fix this issue please contact me ASAP please. My

    patience is running out with the support staff because noone is

    helping me and I am getting no assistance regarding the issues I am



    Anyone that could help I would truly be thankful.


    Thank you.


    Mike Matini

  14. I wanted to know what is the best way to take indoor action shots

    with this camera with the 550EX flash? The issue I have is can I

    have El Servo mode on other modes than the Sport mode? And in that

    mode my ISO is stuck at 400 and I can not use the RAW capture mode



    My issue is taking pictures of a simple person dancing indoors. How

    can I keep the focus on that person as they are moving indoors using

    the 550EX flash? Also can I have El Servo focusing on other modes

    other than the Sport mode?


    Just so you know what other equipment I have and I would be using

    with this camera, they are:

    70-200 2.8L

    28-70 2.8L

    and the Digital Rebel Kit

    3 550EX

    1 Remote for the 550EX flash System


    Some background, I am use to using 1VHS, and that is why I ma asking

    these questions. Your help would be apreciated.


    Thanks for your comments

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