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joe b.

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Image Comments posted by joe b.

  1. The shadow beside the nose dosen't bother me much.If you are going for that period look it works.The lighting back then was a strong part of the look.

    It was harsh and not as easy to control.IMHO.

    Nice shot. 6/6

  2. A friend of mine shot this with his Digital Rebel.

    He sat in the middle of a lonley road and I did abt. fifty mph after several runs testing what shutter speed worked with how fast I was going.He ended up finding a good shutter speed and had me speed up or slow down to make it work.I did abt. 10 passes before we got it to look ok. He was sitting on the road and I would turn away at the last second. Hope this helps.

  3. Derek,

    Background was put in later to focus on the rider perspective.The background was very busy with,garbage cans,brooms,mops,people,track cleaners,ect.It was way too distracting.I could have blurred it but it still looked bad.Thanks for your comments.



    I think this is a wonderful picture.I too feel something is not working but still a great photo.

    For me I think it's the glasses and or the hair.

    You have these wonderful curves in the body and materials throughout the picture and the glasses are more rectangular.If the hair were flatter it might flow more.This is nit picking but still a great photo. 6/6

    In the eyes

    It's good there is no clouds that would take away from the face.Boy did you get lucky with the light on the face.I am partial to Drag Racing but this is very good for what it is. 7/6
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