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Image Comments posted by hilario_torres



    Remember me when you had those awesome photos of surrealism of the American Flag, Well I love to comment on your work they are awesome, I love the way you play with the light, I even think you take great advantage of the weather and light that you are able to have in Sweden, I wish to go someday to Sweden, Even though in winter it must be scary to have more nights than days.


    Keep up the good work visit my link



    The architecture photos are from a this year 2006 calendar of the town where I live in Spain.

    Good work




    esta foto es un encantador, I love the way you balance out the light with the flash, I could recommend you doing this again but putting 1 F stop down on the camera or 1 1/2 stop down on camera and 1 over on the flash this would give you a great effect on the sun and sky with the wheat.

    Buenisima esta foto


  1. Hola, creo que no me recordaras, pero soy ese critico que tengo que teners mis opiniones, Esta fotografia dice mucho se puede interpretar como lo ves. I mi me gusta bastante, por, bueno simple razon, tiene luz, texturas, un momento en el tiempo que expresa el sentimiento de la bailadora, que poco veces se pueden captar, creo que este es un punto mio de el estilo que siempre busco en contraste de lo que es una fotografia.

    Quiero que visites mi web



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