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Posts posted by kevin_dean

  1. It should be fine for that size, a TV program here in the UK did a comparison test involving a 35mm film camera, and it's digital equivelent, and using the same lens on both bodies, the pro photographer took a full size body shot of the female presenter, and then had both images blown up to 30 feet high, and hung them side by side off of a building. The majority of passers by preffered the digital image.
  2. Replacing Sky...


    Open your image.


    goto (image) (image size) from the top menu. and write down pixel dimensions (width + height) and (resolution).


    goto (file) (new) on top menu, and copy all sizes into the boxes, width, height, resolution. and click in (transparent) at the bottom. You will now have a box with a chessboard effect in it.


    Open the (move tool) from the tool bar and (drag) YOUR image onto the new (transparent) image, then close your original image.


    Open (magic wand tool) from tool bar, and click on the sky, then goto (select) (feather, set at 15) from top menu, then (edit) (cut).


    Now it is time to put in the sky, so open the sky image you want to use, and (resize) as above.


    open the (move tool) from tool bar,and (drag) the sky image onto the working image, (at this moment the sky will be on top of your image)


    Now we have to move the sky layer below the other. So goto the (layers pallet) on the right of your screen? highlight and drag the sky layer (layer 2) below (layer 1)


    Now you can position the sky where you want, before merging layers.<div>009JdC-19400784.thumb.jpg.381896049378a490e424a7b4593ad3ef.jpg</div>

  3. Hi Collin, the reason that I am asking the question is that I have a nice original MK V111 user manual, and I would like it to go to someone who has the camera, so if any of the users you know would like it then please let me know, and they can have it gratis.
  4. I can't understand you people blaming Digital for the demise of film, it has nothing to do with digital, it has a lot to do with the dis-loyalty of film users who have turned there backs on film, in the same way that many turned their backs on large format when 35mm came along.

    Film should survive, maybe not in all flavours, and maybe not your favourites, but realy you are to blame for not shooting enough!

  5. You need a film in the film back to fire the shutter, if you need to fire the shutter with the back off then you have to put the lever up for multi-exposure. this is not a fault!

    Just remember to put the lever in the normal position when you load a film, or finish playing;-)

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