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david shelby

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Posts posted by david shelby

  1. I received this alert on my home page this morning.

    ( Email alerts, etc, are bouncing from your email address, dchronisterooo@centurytel.net. You should change your

    address for the system to start sending you email again. ) I have written the elves a number of times to have this

    problem corrected on there end. My email address on my P.N. home page is displayed with 3 small ooo behind the

    name instead of the large 000 zeros that need to represent my email address. The elves say the zero size does not

    make a difference but I have never received personal emails from members. So yes it does make a difference. This

    must be a one of a kind problem, Or has anyone else in the world has had problems with email address oposted on

    homepage P.N. sites.


  2. I don't want to repeat what preceding posters have said, but I will throw this one out there!

    1) Shoot and process to please youself.

    2) The 3/3 too 7/7 ratings has a life of it's own.

    3) Canon camera's are better then Nikon cameras.

    4) Nudes really are boring.

    4,1/2) Nudes are at the top of the most interesting lists.

    5) Rules are made to be broken. Or Every opinion is altered in some way by someone elses bias.

    6) ETC!

  3. I have had a couple of close encounters while shooting. One was last year on Bull Head Lake.While shooting 3 Bull

    Moose one decided he know longer wanted me around. Charged me! While looking through the lens I thought WOW!

    water splashing, Antlers swinging back and forth,his 1600 lbs of Hugh mass headed straight toward me. Then the

    light clicked on in my mind, at 30' away I could see nothing but his head. At this point I got up an ran for me life.

    Mentioned the incident to a Ranger later in the day and got a 30 minute lecture about Bull Moose stomping


    The second close call was a few weeks ago. Had a 70mm lens on when I encounted a mother bear with 3 cubs. The

    cubs went up a tree and the Ma bear turned and we made eye contact. I did not like the look in her eyes, so

    immediately took the submissive position,lowered my eyes to avoid eye contact turned sideways, bent at the knee's

    and moved away slowly. She did come at me with deliberate attention. But stopped when I did my thing. A close

    encounter of the first kind. "smiles"<div>00QLNg-60713584.thumb.jpg.ff2622399bda9dcb658c25f5c7479430.jpg</div>

  4. Thanks for the info. I am using Spy Doctor and Registry Mechanic. The pop up warning ~ malicious content! One I am sure came from a ad on P.N. the other came off a members link site. All in all i am not that concerned about spy ware off P.N. or virus from the this sight. Just never had it happen before. I have been a member for 5 years, and never had a block come up from the sight. If it happens again i will take a closer look at the action and take your advice from members. Thank you all for the feed back. It's nice to have people that i can count on for info and helpful understanding of small happenings on P.N. ~ what a wonderful family of photographers and insight from P.N. members.

    Regards, David S.

  5. Thank goodness I have a anti spyware program installed on my C.P. As I surf

    Photo.net ~ twice I have had infected virus worms blocked when visiting random

    members sights. Never had this problem before, but it is now here and active. Just

    me or has anyone else had this happen? D.S.

  6. Rhys Sage, Your comment made me curious so I went to E_Bay and found 250 anitque camrea's for sale. 1 started at $800.00 dollars, 5 camera's started between $300.00 to $500.00 all the rest of them went for around $40.00 + or -. Maybe those with Polaroid's should just dump them... :~)
  7. Brad!

    Yes the debate was centered on the fast and the unexpected popularity of Digital format versus the Silver gelatin photographs.One point of view is digital cheapens the purity of capturing images and then post editing them on Computers. The purest say the true art form is in snapping the picture then processing with the chemical aspect. I wonder if the Silver gelatin photographs will have more value now! Or will digital faze out the film process. You know the Polaroid company just announced that they will stop production of their cameras that in the 50's open up the start of instant images captured,They were in away the prelude to digital. The camera's were a instant success. Anyway If I had one of the camera's, I think I would hold on to it. They will be worth allot of money as the years move on. You know kind of like a restored Model T Ford is now worth big bucks. Have a great day! Regards, David S.<div>00P6Iz-42798584.thumb.jpg.45094f68b5fa9cd76c213df334dc048b.jpg</div>

  8. I wrote this today in responce to a photo posted.

    Thank you all for taking your time to comment! I always take your thoughts

    projected to heart, and consider your perspective. This photo was actuality a

    reflection from a mirror setup carefully to enhance Fawn but also the idea that

    photography truly is a Art form which can capture color,softness, and I hope

    imagination using our cameras as the medium .There is a article in this months

    magazine of B&W titled "IS PHOTOGRAPHY DEAD" discussing the digital format

    versus the 8' X 10 Box or any SLR film camera. I have and still use a Canon AE_

    1 film camera. But for me the world moves into new and exciting advances in all

    areas of imagery and CP's. Creativity comes from within all of us using what

    ever format we encompass. Weather brush painting, clay modeling and the list

    goes on. I love all accepts of capturing images from Wildlife, landscapes,to

    people just being them selves as my Street People folder contains. Anyway for

    me PHOTOGRAPHY IS NOT DEAD! It a new world at our finger tips...<div>00P5ud-42787984.thumb.jpg.e294d254a28401b1d758ed3642e14d21.jpg</div>

  9. I showed my wife the "Windows opened for the members of Photo.net." comment I made at the start of this little debate. She read my ending sentence and scratched her head and said to me ( I do not understand the window comment! ) I can't even get my wife's support in trying to hold my own on this! :~) What the heck ~ I say win some lose some. That is how life works, is it not?

    M Barbu, I wish I had written the following as a follow up on the "A simple statement made in looking at the Request a Critique forum"

    ( kaizen opened for the members of Photo.net. ) Smiles

    Mr. Brian ~ My wife agree's with you! Next time I shall say, Doors opened for the members of Photo.net! Smiles

    I am still smileing at the " exsqueeze me? " comment Mr. John

    GEE WIZ! HOLY GUMDROPS! and I know a few souls trying to cross the lake in a wood boat with one ore out of the water!

  10. In response to a simple complement using a metaphor to describe a figure of speech is not breaking any RULES. The Only RULE broken was made up in your own mind. If in question of the word metaphor, metaphoric, metaphorical, or metaphorically _ please look up the meaning in the dictionary. It is quite common to describe a thought or to enhance a sentence to bring about a idea translated! I see many examples of this in photos posted, weather in using words or images. Metaphorical perspective or composition is used not breaking any RULES. To those that have a narrow point of view, one only has to look at there reparations postings to see the limitations in imagination. Please do not tell me what is expectable in words written or images posted. I have not broken any RULES bye using the term " Windows opened for the members of Photo.net." it is a metaphor, as to expand ones mind in describing a wide verity of wonderful photos posted by many members in our world! If you want to debate this further through lack of understanding ~ Please show me the RULES stating I have broken the Rules put down by P.N or any common language of understanding! I will then apologize to you Mr. M and the others excluding Mike that did not understand the term used. Smiles from David
  11. Thanks Mike Nikolic, The last part of the comment was a little abstract in relating to the window or door opened to what people post in photos. Giving others the chance to see a little of the world shared through images posted on P.N.. ( If I am reading you correctly, Yes, it's a pretty cool moment when you happen upon a flood of good photos all together in the crit forum.)" yep! ya read me correctly" I think I must relate thoughts in a simple format as to not confuse a few!<div>00P3zR-42737284.thumb.jpg.84727db0f74bd819e58ac0e32b30f0f6.jpg</div>
  12. A simple statement made in looking at the Request a Critique forum this morning

    at 11:25 am West Coast time, USA. Impressed at the display of images posted by

    all photographers. A interesting and beautiful cross section of perspectives

    captured by all! Windows opened for the members of Photo.net.

  13. I am on D.S.L. and have noticed that in the past few days P.N. Is running very

    slow compared to other photography sights that I have photos posted on.When I

    comment on images posted many times I wait and wait then in the end get a time

    out notice! Has anyone else noticed this problem? David S.

  14. Hi All, My wife just bought me a 15" Smart parts Digital Picture frame. Model

    SKU#DP15MW made in China. I have surfed the net to see if this model is one

    that carries a virus. So far it looks clean from any virus in my general

    search. Has anyone bought this frame? I would like to connect it to my usb port

    for direct down. But want to be on the safe side. I would appreciate any input

    about this model. ~ David S.

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