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Image Comments posted by paul_m._woods

    Office Life

    Interesting portrait! Makes you think about a lot of things - why does the woman have no legs and yet have shoes, who is the painting of, why is there an iron on the desk of an "office", etc.



    Wow, that's a nice view.


    As for the photo, slightly more of the people and less of the sky, I think. Also, you may want to rotate it slightly so that the horizon appears more horizontal.



    I like the tones here.


    The composition is a little squashed - you've got several main features (the bench, the gate, the building) all in the same region of the photograph, which gives it a cramped feeling, in my opinion. If only you were a four or five feet taller, Kevin :)

  1. Your snow photos are very unexposed... your snow is grey rather than white. I understand that it was an overcast day, but you can adjust your levels to make your snow more white, and thus more attractive.


    Hope you get some relief from the snow soon!

    10000 Days


    "It does seem like a horror flick from the mid 80s. The start of the movie, before the bad guys (things) appear..."


    That or a Meat Loaf video.


    With the shape of her face (it's very volpine), I think it would be a much kinder picture of her if she were looking directly into the camera, like in a couple of other shots of this girl. This angle seems to emphasise her nose and slightly pointy chin.



    I have a picture very much like this :)


    I like your version... perhaps I'd crop a bit closer to make the tree more prominent in the shot.

    My Tiny Dancer

    Technically, it could do with some work (I think it's a little dark, and the focus isn't very crisp), but artistically, it has a nice feel: the colours are good, the composition is interesting...
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