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Posts posted by ravindra_papineni

  1. I am wondering if anyone knows about these on the spot "blending"

    or "photo merge" softwares? Recently I was at downtown San Antonio

    and got my "face" into Shrek.

    The resulting picture was fun and I would like to get more info on

    the whole setup especially the software part of it. The girls who

    took my picture, were skeptic when I asked for more details.

    The closest I got was this.


    I am interested in a little more pro version.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Remember those tourist spot photography where you put your face into

    those movie posters/magazine covers? And they make it look like you

    are on the cover of the magazine?

    I am wondering if any one knows about the software they use. My plan

    is to setup a spot in another country. That means it has to be done

    with in couple of minutes for the waiting tourist. (I am not

    interested in Photoshop or like those). This has to be qucik and

    should take video input. I appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Some plastic stroes sell them in 4ftx6ft sheets. Plexi glass is what they are called and cost about $100 for a 3/4inch sheet. You can find a cheaper one at HomeDepot for under $12 but they were not shiny.In any case they can not be rolled up. Sorry.<div>008U8r-18306684.jpg.04c2f2d37b94b18ea9cbf4d4432cf4b2.jpg</div>
  4. Thanks again. I have a Kodak Easy share DX point and shoot and the images comes tack sharp even at max zoom at high (3.5)f-stops. Spend 4 times more to a better tool and face more time consuming methods!?. Does every Digital Rebel owner go through this every single time? I am surprized. I agree to some extent to use USM in post production but not on every single image just to make it "acceptable". I am not asking the camera to do the miracles for me, just focus right for me. Why that has to be a chore? I wonder if the other non SLR all in one cameras like Olympus C-8080 or Nikon Coolpix 8700 have similar focusing issues.
  5. Hi:

    I have recently shot a bunch of portraits in studio with digital

    rebel. I noticied none of them were sharp at all. No where on the

    image there was a single point that was sharp. I was disappointed to

    say the least 'cause focus is the most fundamental thing for any

    camera. I could do some USM in Photoshop but why? Isn't the camera

    supposed to focus? I tried the kit lens as well as EF 28-105. I used

    F8, on tripod ISO 100, default WB and the lighting was good so there

    was no issue of lack of contrast etc to fool the auto focus

    mechanism. I used the default parameter and the default autofocus

    setting. I made sure to lock the focus(on the eyes for instance)

    also. Basically it was not user error, I hope.

    I used the point and shoot Kodak easy share right after the shot and

    focus is tack sharp.

    My question is, do we really go into photoshop for EVERY otherwise

    perfect shot just to make the focus sharp? Is this how you are all

    used to? I hear lot of issues about back focus. I wonder if this is

    digital SLR camera ONLY issue. Any advice will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.<div>008HwB-18038584.thumb.jpg.8421dcfc3265070322ba4665d1e799a2.jpg</div>

  6. Remember those slick fashion magazine photos of modeles standing

    infront of a white background? I am curious to know how they get

    those subtle relections at the feet. I figured that they are

    standing on a big plexiglass or some thing but I would expect to see

    the end line of the glass. Any one knows the trick? Ofcourse you can

    use photoshop to get rid of the end of glass lines.But what is the

    lighting technique to get those flawless shots?

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