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Posts posted by tina_lee1

  1. shooing data:

    Focal length : 17mm , shutter : 1/90 sec , Aperture : F5 , Meter :

    9.1 EV , 17-55mm f2.8Dx , ISO : 400 .

    I don't know at all about the Meter 9.1 EV . What is meter 9.1 EV ?

    How can I control that on the Nikon D2x ? please ! help....

  2. I just buy a used D1x . Is there a way you can tell how many

    pictures ( shuuter ) have been taken. Because I just read life of

    DSLR and worry about It. Thank you.

  3. Thank SHUN CHEUNG , I just read review of S3. It is too slow camera at Church and Tample they are not waiting for me.the D2x is my dream but my credit is not cool down yet.Thanks every body
  4. Thank all of you......

    I am still using D100 and Nikon 17-55mm/f2.8 , 28-70mm /f2.8 , 70-200mm/f2.8 , 60mm/f2.8 , 200mm/f2.8 , SB-800

    I always post question here before I buy something

    sometime I need big print ( 12& 24 , 24 & 36 )if I get Pro S3. Is it ok ?

  5. Now I want the second used body but I dont know which one I want

    1- nikon D1x , 2- Nikon D2h , 3-Pro S3

    I only do closed-up, churh , tample , .....not sport

    Please ! recomend

  6. How can we clean the sensor of Nikon D100 ?After 7 months my D100

    had the dust . they cost me $60.00 for clean and they take 5 days if

    1 day finish they cost me $ 75.00.I want to do by mysef.

    Recommend plese ! Thank You.

  7. Hello Every body ......

    Whay is multiple exposure ? every cammera have this function ? I can

    do this on my nikon D100. Thi is new for me (beginner) Please ! let

    me know. Thank You.

  8. I am looking the filters (not UV)but I don't know which one. my

    equipment nikon D100, 17-55mm , 200mm macro, 28-70mm and I do

    portrait,macro and landscape.....Thanks !

  9. HELLO! everybody,

    I want to become the professional fixing cameras ,lenses....

    which school do I have to go for ? If my dream come true

    I will discount everybody .thank you

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