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Image Comments posted by jongrant

  1. Well i'm sorry, but do you want people to say the truth or say what u want to hear? Do u honestly beleive that if you pulled in the blown highlights at the top and sharpened and saturated th colors it would not improve the photo? How are you supposed to improve if you dont want people to point out ideas on how to improve?????


    CHECK THIS OUT, http://home.iprimus.com.au/jon1526/22.JPG

  2. Well i'm sorry, but do you want people to say the truth or say what u want to hear? Do u honestly beleive that if you pulled in the blown highlights at the top and sharpened and saturated th colors it would not improve the photo? How are you supposed to improve if you dont want people to point out ideas on how to improve?????


    All subjects are out of focus. you need faster shutter speed.The only thing in focus are the rocks, which are washed out. You need a slr for shots like these. Keep trying though.
  3. The lighting is fantastic, the colors unbeleivable, and the skill to obtain this snapshot leaves me breathless. You must be a proffessional. We can all only dream of aquiring your skills. Please post more of your work.
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