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Posts posted by pafs

  1. thanks for your time and your answer.

    i put the camera in manual mode iso 100 speed 1/125

    then i meter the main studio flash with the flashmeter using the test button on my radio frequencies i get an f number of e.g 8

    i set the 550 on e-ttl

    i use the second studio flash for backgrounds so i don't really bother with it.

    i do not meter the 550 cause when i fire the 550 it fires the studio flash too so i get an f number of 1.8

    the problem is that sometimes i dont get the result i wish

    by the way i would be grateful if u could suggest a decent book

    for themes like this

    thanks again

  2. I am confused on metering,using 2 studio flashes and a 550 ex.I am using radio

    frequencies to trigger the studio flashes while i mount the 550 on the hot shoe

    of a 30D.I am using a minolta flashmeter but i would appreciate any comments on

    how do i have to work so i get anything right.

    Any help welcome.

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