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Image Comments posted by eric_mansfield


    well .. if you're doing this kind of work without PS, then I'm really at a loss of where to begin. I'm a broadcaster by trade, and a photographer by hobby. I haven't worked much with film; just digital pics and PS. John, to capture these images and create these types of composition convinces me you should be teaching. I'll be the first to sign up for your class. Regards. Eric


    I really like the way this one reaches out and grabs the audience. Maybe it's just because I'm a father, but I look at this photo and I can feel the connection between the woman and the child. Bravo. Eric


    John, I like this series of photos ... with the bursting color and the portraits-within-a-portrait look .. not quite sure how use PS to capture the same style, but your work inspires me. Although I'm sure the composition always begins with taking a great picture .. and then for you, the rest comes easy. Great stuff. Eric



    the lighting and color really compliment well .. not sure if you're on a ladder or a staircase ..but it definitely is an attention-grabbing photo. well done. eric



    I like the lighting as well .. great capture to keep her left eye from completely dissapearing ... it's almost as if the model is seeing two separate things .. one from the "light" of her right eye .. and one from the "dark" of her left .. great stuff .. Eric


    Scott, thatnks for taking time to critique. The PS'd background was just one of those "what the heck" filters and I kind of liked it. The original photo captured the lake, but I wanted to try to have the model stand out a bit more. Maybe I'll play with it some more. Thanks for your thoughts .. Eric
  1. I love a picture that tells a story and is colorful too .. you've captured both .. well done ... is the guy with the camera really taking a picture or is he just a prop? guessing you may have just come across these two who were holding their own photo shoot. really like it. 6/7. Eric
  2. I like the concept .. although at first I thought it might be a soccer player running down the field. I'd still like to see the runner's face to gain a feel for what he/she is encountering at this point in the race. I like the idea though .. good job .. eric

    by myself

    Eren, this is a well planned shot. From the angle of the reflection, I can't tell if it's a well-designed mirror shot with no flash, or totall PS. But the 3D effect grabbed me. Nice job. Eric


    Elizabeth. Good photo. Not sure whether she's facing prison bars or a big window. Her closed eyes and the hand across her chest let the viewer imagine a range of emotions. Good capture. I'd like to see the color version too. Eric

    Nine months

    I like the idea. The composition makes the viewer say "i get it" out loud .. and that's not easy to do. I agree on the lighting critiques from the others .. but all around, good stuff. Eric


    The color scheme didn't thrill me either .. but it is consistent within itself. The original picture had water and sand that was so bland and grey so I had to do something. First, I added the killer whale .. but it still lacked any interest I think. Auto color was one new thing I tried. Was hoping for some feedback. Thanks for critiquing. Eric
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