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Image Comments posted by kbauman

  1. Shooting at night in urban areas, on film at least, is pretty fun. The exposures can be long, but you can get some wacked out color due to reciprocity failure, color shifts, and different light sources. I've really been focusing on that lately here in Detroit.


    I take the ratings with a grain of salt. If people don't like them, fine, but I would appreciate a critique, since that's what I put it out there for. I've gotten a lot of ratings on the first three photos I put up, but only about 1 in 7 gives any kind of critique.


    I don't worry too much about what people think. In fact one of my, and many other persons for that matter, favorite photos got rated a 2/2. I just hope that a few people enjoy what they see. I like my photos, and that's what matters.

  2. Hasselblad 500c and Fuji NPS or NPH. I don't know the aperture or exposure length although they were probably in the neighborhood or f11 and 2 sec. Scanned on an Epson 2470, sized, cropped and sharpened.


    Thanks for the critique.

  3. This is an abandoned (although there was a light on inside) bar in

    Detroit at night. The sky had a red glow, presumably a reflection of

    the city lights, and the street light to the right of the building

    had a green cast. The contrasting colors caught my eye.

  4. I won't get my hopes up too high as other plans have fallen through with this and other buildings before. The latest is the Book-Cadillac hotel renovation that was projected to be a $150 million job, but the developer dropped out after starting the project. The reason: they figure it will cost at least $50 million more.


    I would love to see either project happen. They are beautiful buildings.

    Brush Park Fog 1


    This is an old house from the early 1900s in the Brush Park

    neighboorhood in Detroit. Largely abandoned in the last 20 years,

    many house were burned to the ground. A few, such as this are largely

    intact. Recently a redevelopment of the area has begun, although many

    of the old houses have been knocked down to make way for condos.

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