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Image Comments posted by gary_barsomian_dietrich

    close up

    Very nice shot with respect to composition, control of depth. Daffodils are very deep for this close a composition, and more depth is technically impossible. The art in this type of shot is in selection of the plane of focus in the composition-again very nice. Kind Regards,


    Bravo! Very nicely done. I love the feel of this image. Studio light is not to my taste (I prefer to be in the garden), but this is magnificent. Kind Regards, Gary



    Hi Simon,

    Very nice shot! I like the flow and low contrast of this image.

    It looks like it would be a very peaceful work printed large.

    Kind Regards,


    Doing it!

    I love the graphic nature of this image-no pun intended. However I am bothered by the extreme over sharpening. It detracts greatly from a very nice composition. Kind Regards, Gary
  1. Hi Tom, Very nice photo. great pattern and color. The depth of focus appears remarkable for this magnification. In the larger image and enlarged in photoshop there appear to be noticable sharpening artifacts around the pistols. Is this a result of the cameras image processing, or is this from post processing?

    Kind Regards,



    Very nice light and feel. Very careful rim light focus. I would like to see it with more negative space top and left. Kind Regards, Gary



    hi Pnina,

    I see my comment was a bit wordy and with the typo hard to understand. I corrected the typo.


    More simply, I thought this lovely image lends itself to printing on synthetic silk so that it could be displayed with movement. A print on silk 1 meter x 1.5 meters would be fun to play with in this manner. Let me know if you give it a try. Would you be interested in a barter for a print of this image?


    Kind Regards, Gary



    Hi again Pnina,

    I just remembered that I printed a beatiful "low res" shot of a woman curled up in a linen sheet with lovely flowing folds. I printed it 5' by 3' on poly silk. The artist wanted the print on cloth so that the art took on the flowing feel of the image. The textile products available for printing do not give crisp detail, but I think this would be consistent with the feel of your image. It would be remarkable to view this with flowing motion. Not to mention fun to play with the set up of the parameters for display.

    Kind Regards, Gary



    Hi Pnina, I love the mood of this photo, the light the flowing cloth and the models expression. Lovely composition. I am also of the opinion that the border detracts from the simple elegance of the composition, but I also realize that my opinion is in the minority on the net. Never the less, I find this series very captivating.

    Kind Regards, Gary

    Tatty Daisy

    Hi Mark, I understand your attempt at a contrary asthetic, it does not change my opinion that this is a weakly executed photo. A good Idea does not necessarily make a good photo. I do like the other photos in your folder and I will reflect that in my ratings. We all have far more failures than strong photos. Yor may have noticed my specialization in botanicals, which is what I tend to gravitate to and rate. Unfortunately you forgot to express your opinion as to why you thought my photo was so bad. Since your rating was identical to my rating of this photo, and outside the range of other ratings I can only assume I was struck by a revenge barb. Ah well human nature... touchee! Perhaps I deserved it. Nature is read in tooth and nail. A rather perfect play on words, I believe by Lord Tennyson.

    floral tears


    Hi Pam, This is a nicely composed rose, nice color and shadow. I find this the best composition on your page. Unfortunately the subject and composition is highly trafficed, and there have been some excellent rose shots on photo.net. You will need a unique twist to get very high ratings with this subject. Keep at it.

    Kind Regards Gary

    Wild Garlic

    Hi David, I like the effect. A tough subject for macro work. You have some flexibility here with the background to play with the placement. It may work better with the arranged florets toward a corner with the sharpest element aligned on diagonal. If you so inclined, play with it an let me know what you come up with. Kind Regards, Gary
  2. Hi Stacey, Colorful, but too much going on for a coherent composition and the asymetry and lack of focus in the beard (attention draw) are disturbing. I know the attraction to make something work, many of these irises have great color and detail. I have worked with this junction from this perspective and crop-I havnt found a good solution yet. Keep on trying-you might solve the puzzle. Kind Regards, Gary
  3. Hi Stacey. very nice shot. The slight tilt to the left seems to make me want to place the central subject along the diagonal.

    Try a couple of crops to see if you like this. It means cropping into the shadow, but this is a secondary detail. Kind Regards, Gary

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