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Image Comments posted by troy_hamon

    Beach at Poharo

    Lovely image. I like that three of the corners are dark. I find my eye wandering around trying to find something to concentrate on, but that seems a small thing.

    Net loft

    Thanks for the comments folks. I must confess I took a few versions of this image, but since each exposure was 5 minutes I couldn't do too many... Some of the other negatives have less flare, but this has more atmosphere...so it's the one I decided to work with.

    Dirty Duo

    If I sit and look long enough, the compression artifacts start to bother me...but that's only because I'm looking for something to whine about. The photo itself is incredible, dynamic, and gripping. Nicely done.

    .: memories :.

    I love the photograph itself, but I don't think the title and the apparent intent to evoke graveside atmosphere are successful. If it weren't for reading this discussion, I would never have figured that out. I though it might have been wood from a fence. Nevertheless, the image seems to be an excellent glamour photo, great for a magazine or an advertisement, just not successful in portraying emotion or 'memories'. Perhaps I'm just not perceptive enough to catch the hints.


    This image overall appears to be soft, perhaps partially compression artifacts from photonet. In terms of composition, it seems either drawing closer or further back would improve it by including some of the surrounding environment or delving in closer. As is, there are large parts of the frame that are blank space and the subject is very centered, which makes the blank space seem irrelevant.

    River Color

    This location looks incredibly interesting. But the photo doesn't really do more than document it. I'm not saying I could do better, but it looks like an ordinary photo of a fascinating location.


    I can't decide whether the background is interesting or distracting. But I definitely think turning the flash off or at least way down would make for more interesting facial features. Or move the flash off-camera.
  1. A wonderful juxtaposition of energy, motion, and line. Very nice job. I think if the person at left was looking into the frame it would have seriously detracted from the image, but as is it is perfect. The eye darts toward the edge of the frame to follow his/her gaze, and the line of the steps leads right back to the children.

    Lifting shadows

    The foreground is very dramatic with the low angular light and the shadow patterns. The sky is completely flat and featureless, though. There is an overall lack of sharpness, but perhaps that is just compression artifacts on this site? I'd recommend cropping out most of the sky.


    I usually shy away from commenting on flower photos...but this is very well done. Very eye-catching, and the limited depth of field is helpful in giving the viewer something to concentrate their attention on.
  2. The light white facial tones might also be what makes the photograph so arresting to the viewer. The image is so visceral that it requires examination, you can't scan past it even among a set of very fine photographs. However, close inspection suggests to any viewer that the model is not real, as she indeed is not, and so the next question to me seems to be whether improving skin tones would detract from the overall aesthetic. It would certainly change it. But no matter how you look at it, this photograph is extremely well done. If skin tones were adjusted digitally, it would be important to not lose the detail in the hood. As people have suggested previously, I'd like to see a similar image with a live model, but am not sure it would hold the same initial visual impact.


    Great sky, but the vertical crop doesn't work for me with this framing. Too much of the paved foreground. A horizontal frame or more sky would have improved the image, or even a simple crop.
  3. I really like some things about this image, but it seems like the composition isn't as good as the conditions. Perhaps the conditions and the surrounding landscape dictated this view, however?
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