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Posts posted by william_blair1

  1. Paul,

    I own this lens and quite number of others. Don't allow yourself to be swayed by internet banter concerning it. It is expensive but, there is no substitute. It is what it is, the most compact mid-range zoom available with pretty good image quality. If you are into pixel peeping look elsewhere.

    I just came back from six months in a really bad place. Photography was not a big priority in what I carried. I took a Dreb and a 28-135 IS, probably the greatest lens ever produced for everyday use. Both served me well. Maybe my standards are not so high, but when I returned, I bought a 20D, 17-85 IS, 70-300 DO IS and a 10-22. I believe this will be the kit of the future. I believe the 70-300 DO IS will serve you well. The bottom line is it will get the shot.

  2. I work in the same or worse conditions. I would not agonize too much about these situations. The important thing is to get the picture you want. I was in Iraq last year during the war. Opportunites to take photos are precious. You can not choose them yourself. They happen and are luxurious moments. Last year all I had with me was an Olympus 3040Z. It performed very well when I had the chance to use it. I am going back tommorow and will be taking a Dreb, 28-135 IS and 1.5 Kenko extender. It works out to 320mm. Maybe not so good for pixel peeking, but it gets the picture. We are talking about tools here. I don't mean to offend anyone, I am probably as big a gear head as any of you guys.
  3. Yakim,


    I have always enjoyed your posts and efforts to help new photographers. Unfortuntately, this time I will not be visiting your wonderful country, but a less hospitable one. I don't won"t to get into middle eastern politics on this forum. PM If you wish. I would be interested in your perspectives of life in your area.





  4. I have been tracking a 10D offered for sale on ebay for the past few

    days. I am going to be gone from home for an extended period (six

    months/middle east)and was toying with the idea of upgrading from my

    300D/Rebel with which I am actually quite satisfied for the time

    being. I am nevertheless a bit of a gear head. Today when I checked

    ebay, it was enundated with 10D's from dealers. Is this normal? Much

    more than I have normally seen. I don't hang around ebay alot, so I

    am not sure. The prices are not yet very good, mostly worthless kits

    of dubious value. With all the recent speculation on 10D replacements

    on this and other sites, I wonder if they are spooked by the

    speculation or really know something (which I doubt). It will be

    interesting to watch prices there in the next few weeks leading up to

    Photokina. I think I will stick with my Dreb and 28-135 IS for the

    duration of my deployment to whereever.

  5. I went through this same problem with my 300D and the 28-135 IS.


    This camera and lens combo was very uncomfortable hanging around my neck when hiking or moving around. The weight of the lens caused the combo to hang lens down and bounce around alot. I really like the 28-135 IS. It is probably the best walk around lens with acceptable quality you will get for the 300D. My solution to this problem was to get the BG-E1 battery pack (this model number may be incorrect. I am sure someone can correct me if so.)

    The difference is night and day. Your problem may not be actual weight, but balance. With the battery pack, the lens and camera hang perfectly and are much more stable when carried. This would be a much cheaper solution to your problem. I would not lightly give up on the 28-135 IS.



  6. Anthony,


    With your combination,EOS7NE and 50/14 lens, you should be able to get some wonderful photos at Enoshima Island. I live in Hayama and have been to Enoshima several times. While I am not into cats, I was struck by the number and docility of the cats on Enoshima. I know that Enoshima is not exactly a city, but many cat photographers seem to gravitate to this location. I gather this is quite the cat mecca for Japan. It is only a one and a half hour train ride from Tokyo, depending upon where you live. The island is also quite picturesque and might provide you with other photo opportunities.

    By the way, where is it possible to rent "L" lenses in Tokyo? I deal mostly with Yodobashi and Bic, but was not aware that they rent lenses. Probably because I never asked about it.

    From the lenses you mentioned, you seem to be initially leaning toward primes. I am also somewhat of a beginner, but digital, I am presently caught in the middle of the prime versus zoom dilemma. I currently have 18-55mm, 50 MM Mark I, EFS, 28-135 IS, and 90-300 USM (which I have used only once and don't like it much.) The 28-135 IS lives on my Digital Rebel. It is probably the best jack of all trades within its limitation. I am currently considering the new 70-300 DO IS as a complement. We shall see.



  7. Has anyone attempted to clean the sensor glass on a Digital

    Rebel? According to the manual this should be possible using the 2nd

    maintenance menu setting and selecting sensor clean. However, the

    manual's illustration of the menu indicates Firmware Rev. 1.00 and

    has a setting for sensor clean. My camera came with Firmware Rev.

    1.02 which seems to include no such option. If it is not possible to

    lock up the mirror, this will make individual sensor cleaning with

    Pecpads and Eclipse etc. virtually impossible. I suspect sensor

    cleaning is becoming a big issue with DSLR's. Would it be possible,

    advisable to attempt to go back to Firmware Rev 1.00?




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