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Image Comments posted by mikecarruthers

    Moose grill


    Shot at about 15 feet @ 75mm through the winshield of my truck.

    Made me wish for a second camera with a shoter lens..... After I

    snapped this picture, he walked down the side of my truck and

    hipchecked my passenger side mirror, just to let me know who was in

    charge.... glad we were on friendly terms! Comments appreciated.



    Located on Crow Pass Trail roughly 5.4 miles from the Eagle River

    Nature center which is about 10 miles out side of Eagle River,

    Alaska. This was a scouting trip for a buddy, and I tagged along to

    give advice and to sneak a few pictures along the way. Wish I could

    have spent a couple of days on a leisurely hike rather than the

    death march we did to get in and out and spending a couple of hours

    glassing Dall Sheep, Mt. Goats, Brown and Black bears. As usual,

    with my work schedule I'll have to put off another visit until "next

    year". Thanks for looking. Suggestions and comments are always

    welcome. Mike

    You lookin' at me?


    Taken from the front deck of my house as the late winter sun was

    rapidly sinking on the horizon. Very little has actually been done

    to this guy. Auto color, levels and brightness corrections were

    expirimented with and this is what came out. Wish it could have

    been a bit brighter, but with a little more work, maybe just

    maybe........ thanks for looking and comments are always welcome.

    peek a boo


    comments are greatly appreciated. numbers are nice, but words are

    much better. Can't wait to get time to go hang out with this little

    guy again........

    Turnagain sheep 2


    Your Mt. Goat pictures are nice and sharp. It is so hard to show the type of terrain the Sheep and Goats live in. As you'll see from the rest of the Dall Sheep pics I post in the days to come, the weather really wasn't this bad. Actually was a decent weather day, for this summer anyway.


    I agree that it is a bit soft, but that is actually what I was going for on this one. Thank you for noticing. The posterization gives me a bit of softness that a few of my customers prefer.


    If you want to get together and shoot sheep for a couple of hours or days let me know and we'll see if we can't work something out.


    Thanks again for the comments



    One of 15 or 20 more that I'll be sharing in the days to come. They

    let me spend a couple of hours within 60 yards of them, long enough

    to fill my card and drain my battery. Unfortunately with a minimum

    focusing distance of 5 feet, I couldn't get a shot of this one

    checking me out within arms reach. THanks for looking and please

    share your thoughts. Mike

    Rabbit Dream

    This is one of those love it or hate it shots... and I love it. It's refreshing to see a bit of humor in your work. As always, it's a breath of fresh air to see your work. (and for the record, I am a bit jealous) 7/7

    Wishfull thinking


    Color corrected, sepia tone, then posterized in PS Elements. I like

    everything here except the harsh shadows on his neck, but I wasn't

    able to do anything with them..... at least not to my liking.

    Comments are greatly appreciated.

    Bedded doe


    Disclaimer: this is a still scene that can be viewed at the Bass Pro

    Wildlife Museum in Springfield Mo. Now that is over with, tell me

    what you think. Thanks in advance.

    favorite places 1


    Looking for suggestions to make this one better. I'm thinking a

    slower shutter speed would have been good to try. Missed getting in

    here this past spring, but will be back in '06. Constructive

    critique appreciated. Thanks.

    Tom Turkey

    This is how they look when they are coming in to a call and are "ready to leave". Still wanting the ladies to see them if they are around... but hes not sold that there are ladies around to show his stuff for. He looks to me to be thinking about "leaving" Nice catch on the colors.... Looks to be a windy day. Well done.
  1. Is what this shows me. I like that the eye of the fish is clear and sharp. Gives me the impression that it's surprized. As I'm sure they are when they're snached from the water in this way. Well done. I like "the one that got away" too. Sure is something to be said for being in the right place at the right time! Keep up the good work.

    Looking South

    As usual I'm at a loss for words for the images you share with us. I live here and I could sit and stare at your pictures for hours. As a side note for those that aren't lucky enough to live here, the bluish haze that you see is a combination of fog lifting from the water and a reflection of the water off of the mountains and that fog. I'm 100% sure that trying to remove or fix this would ruin a fine image. Keep up the good work!
  2. I couldn't pass this one up. You caught it right on the money! The question I have is were there tears once Mom noticed, or not? This one is truly priceless. Keep up the good work! AND thanks for the comments on my 2 newest Moose postings. AS I learn how to work with PS my patience levels increase dramatically! Which my wife says is a very good thing! HA
  3. I was trying to pass the time while waiting for a wedding to start.

    It was an hour late becuase the best man had a flat tire. Likely

    story! HA HA Anyway, I played with my camera and did lots of things

    wrong on purpose just to see what would come out. I kinda like this

    shot, now I'd like to hear what y'all have to say. Thanks for


  4. This is the first bloom of the year in our yard. That's why it's

    better late than never. A much more interesting picture would have

    been for my daughter to have caught me laying on the ground to shoot

    this. Thank goodness for bedtime! Thanks for looking and as always,

    comments are greatly appreciated. Incase you were wondering, this

    was shot at 9pm with no flash or lightsource other than the fading

    sunlight. Gotta love the summers up here!

  5. Thanks for the comment on my buffalo eye. I have to admit there was a fence beteen up, but honestly it could have been a brick wall and I'd have felt the same. I've never had my personal space intruded on in such a way. Enough about me. Normally I am distracted by roads in scenery photos, but this one works well and I like the frame also. I think both work well together to add depth to the image. Thanks again--Mike
  6. This is the little guy that just wouldn't leave me alone, so I kept

    shooting him. Seems to me he liked it cause he's almost smiling in

    this shot. Comments are appreciated, so let me know what you think.

    Thanks for looking.

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