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Image Comments posted by cjd

    Blue flovers

    I've tried to capture water hyacinths in my pond before, but you've done it way better. I agree with the comments about cloning out the black spots. I like the soft light which really captures their true beauty.
  1. Every time I scrolled by this photo I was drawn to it. It really pulls me in, her beauty, sassy hair, the almost-Mona-Lisa smile and the stark BW delivery. It's a wow photo for me. So glad you took it.
  2. I've been looking to find the perfect California Poppy photo - this comes pretty close. I don't usually like so much the centered flower shots, but this works for me. I like the angle of the light, the touch of foliage in the foreground and the range of golden color. Very good.

    Wild world

    I love how my eye is tricked into thinking this is a jungle scene! Very nice. And thanks for your helpful comments on my photos/portraits today.


    This photo makes me happy just to look at it. Only change I'd make is to have cropped out the little piece on the left edge that keeps drawing my eye away. Very bright and cheerful. Thanks for sharing.


    This photo is very soothing. I think it's a combination of the simplicity of it, the saturated colors and my association of lying in the grass as a kid. I like it. I'm glad there are no clouds in the sky to break up the simple lines here. Generally I would prefer either more sky or more grass, but this works well for me.


    I really enjoyed this photo. I am,however, a little distracted by the bright spot of sun at the bottom, even though it's nicely captured in the halter ring. Otherwise for me, it's a terrific photo.
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