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Posts posted by reed1

  1. gotcha - thanks for your answer.


    i know an 8mp DSLR is still a heck of a lot more expensive, but i have the fear of obsolescence that i think we all have to some extent. when i bought my 4500 a year and a half ago, there weren't any DSLRs on the market that were in my price range. things change so fast...i feel like an affordable 8mp DSLR is on the horizon...do you think so? anyone know?


    but, then again you can't really worry too much about that. it sounds like the D70 is a great camera and the advantages besides megapixels are really attractive - i.e. speed and interchangeable lenses.

  2. right - the 4500 is 4mp. but the coolpix 8700 is 8mp and is about the same price as the 6mp D70. so, the question is, why would you want a camera that has fewer megapixels? one answer: interchangeable lenses. but besides that, is there a reason that relates to the quality of the sensor?


    in other words, if they can make a DSLR, and they can make an 8mp camera, shouldn't i wait for the 8mp DSLR?





  3. wow - great feedback everyone. thanks for your thoughts so far.


    a few things:


    speed - that is something that is really important to me, and something that drives me nuts about the 4500. i do quite a bit of street shooting and would like to shoot more people but it is totally impossible. the shutter lag feels like 5 minutes and the auto focus goes nuts and won't shoot. so, having a useable manual focus feature would be fantastic.


    sensor size - i've been hung up on megapixels because i'm still not quite clear on the difference b/w pixels and sensor size. but it seems like the 6 megapixels may be better than 8 if your sensor is better? is that right?


    i know it's not fair to compare the 4500 with the D70 - sort of like comparing a volvo with a camaro - so what i'm trying to decide, is whether the D70 is enough of an improvement, or if i should keep waiting and stick with my 4500...the ultimate question in digital photo right now, i know. ack.


    the example that posted by andrea was super helpful. what a difference!


    the problems i need to solve with my 4500 are:


    - shutter lag


    - murky pictures and noise; loss of detail; flat flat flat


    - slow processing of each image as you shoot (on tiff mode, it take a full 20-25 seconds to process. lots of whistling and standing around...)


    - useable manual focus. i miss focusing the lens ON the lens! i also miss aperture rings. but hey.


    amateur question about D70 - can you put old lenses that have focus rings on the camera and turn autofocus off?


    thanks everyone!



  4. Currently I have a Coolpix 4500 and have been looking at the D70 as a

    possible upgrade. However, lately I've been shooting and

    handprinting color 35 mm and have gotten spoiled. So, my quandary

    is how to best invest my money. Should I upgrade to a better

    digicam like the D70 or invest in a good film scanner? Is the

    difference between the 4500 and the D70 enough to merit having both?


    I'm especially interested because I have been printing larger sizes -

    11x14 and 16x20. Will the D70 hold up noticeably better than the

    4500? I know it's not just about how many megapixels anymore...also

    qualitative differences in sensors, software...





    thanks much!



  5. Hello,


    I'm looking for a camera recommendation - 35 mm camera with a zoom

    lens, point and shoot or SLR that is affordable with a lens. My

    friend is going to China for a month and needs the best she can get

    on a small budget.


    I've heard the Olympus Stylus is a good point and shoot. I also

    looked at the Canon Rebel but it's a little out of price range. Is

    there anything else that might be better for the price?


    I would recommend a used Yashica T4 but I think she needs a zoom for



    thanks for your help,



  6. A friend of mine is going to China for a month and needs to get a

    camera to take with her. She's not a photo buff - and needs a simple

    reliable camera for under $150. I would suggest getting a used

    Yashica T4 but she wants a zoom, and I don't know much about point

    and shoot zoom cameras. Of course, as an amateur photog myself, I

    want to make sure she gets some good pictures...


    Any recommendations? What are the best optics for that price? Would

    an Olympus Stylus suffice or is there something better out there?


    Also, has anyone had any trouble getting exposed film out of China?

    Is it better to ship it before going through customs on the way out?

    Or should she have it developed there?






  7. I lost my Yashica T4 - and as you probably know, it's been

    discontinued. It looks like the closest thing is the T4 Zoom. I

    guess my question is, what are the differences between the two? Does

    the zoom add a lot or does it make it slow and less sharp? Should I

    replace my Super with this camera?


    Any reviews or advice would be helpful. I noticed that a couple of

    people have posted a similar question, but it looks like no one's

    buying the Zoom - is everyone just too loyal to the Super?






  8. wow - thanks for all the advice everyone. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not a foam issue or a circuit board problem ;)


    i'll get a new battery tomorrow and report back if that doesn't solve it.



    thanks again!



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