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Image Comments posted by joe_paulo1


    nice subject and a good image for some one who has only just taken up photography. i think that small areas of the image are marginaly out of focus which is not a big problem just need a bigger depth of field (tighter apeture). well done.



    that is a great image, its well composed and creates a fantastic atnosphere (spelling?). i epsecialy like the hard graphic shadow lines. Well done



  1. i like this concept and how it can be used to create images. dont like the background. but it has got me thinking about expressing angles differently on one object like the bottle. good first attempt, make sure you post the images that this might lead to.


    great idea and its good to see that you didnt do the whole thing in photoshop. i have a few suggestions: the shoulders of the smaller head- it would be nice if the shoulders wernt visible outside the light area. And althought the frountal face shot is well shot the expression looks overly false to suit this shot i also think that it is slightly to light and would prefere it without the horizontal lines across the face. i think the compesition is spot on and with a few minor alteralions you will have a fantastic image, well done
  2. is this looking into water??, im going to assume that it is, i didnt realise before i read the first added comment (i thought that it was all photoshop trickery). well done best use of reflection i have seen in a long time. and nice title, nameing images is somthing that i need to work on

    State Fair

    good simple idea, well executed. well done to you. saying that i think the image could be improve with shallower depth of field or shot at an angle where there are no distracting objects in the background (in the bottem left)


    the 1/1 is undeserved, althought this is not a particularly strong image its quite a bit better than that. I feel that people who leave low ratings but fail to comment as to why are not being constructive in any way. I feel that the point of requesting critique is to learn how to improve our photography. this image would be improved by more vibrant colours. I am only 16 and have only been in to photography for 6 months and only joined photo.net this week and have found the comments very useful. Have a look at my portfolio if you want to.
  3. interesting idea, i love to play with shadows in images and it is nice to may them a focal point of the image. i have experemented with differnt objects near infinity coves and there shadows they can make for good abstact images.


    why do some people have this problem with photoshop 90% of pros that i have meet use ps for some images its a evalution of our art form and when it can be done as it is here it is a great skill in its self. Well done with this image and the rest of you folio, please have a look at my portfolio as i feel i would benifit (sorry bad speller) greatly from yourcomments/opinions.


    i agree thew elbow is the one element of the image that dosent look quite right. At less of a severe angle would improve it. well done good strong image
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