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Image Comments posted by brian_joy

  1. i'm going to be boring and agree with the others. i think the sky looks cool and of course adds to the intended tone of the photo. maybe play around with placing the moon more off-center, if that is even a possibility... nice work...
  2. wow jim, you are truly an artist. this compostion really captures what i think many of us see in our dreams. a feeling of peace tranquility and, yes, freedom. just like a dream, you can't remember everything as clear as you would like, but there are often things that are so clear that they seem real. all of your work is beautiful, and i really appreciate the photoshop help from such a skillful artist...


    a thought, i think i might like to see the trees above the girls head a little more blurred though, to match the rest of the photo better and keeping her the only thing in focus...



    big sky country


    i took this on my way into jackson hole, wyoming a few years back.

    i thought it captured some of the beauty and vastness out west.

    coming from the east coast, it took a little getting used to all of

    the space! thanks for looking...

  3. this is a cool compostition. i don't see many lightning photos with a nicely compsoed foreground like this one. the trees look different, is that just from the movement and the long exposure time?
  4. simple and great! the clouds are beautiful and the lighting of the tower and foreground against that sky is amazing. it's amazing how such a "simple" photo and subject can be so dramatic...



    i agree with paul, the colors and exposure are nice. tough subject to make "original" but i like the low vantage point. maybe a wider view would look even better?
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