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Image Comments posted by blumley

    Tomas and Askari

    I think the composition is great - very rustic. The only thing I would change is the darkness of the dog's face. The photo is certainly not underexposed, but the lack of contrast in a Mastiff's face makes them difficult to shoot.
  1. Thanks, Max. I agree with you completely. I'm not so sure about the toning, but I'm certain I lost a lot in brightness and sharpness in the scan. I also agree on the dark area. It may have been more appropriate in color or had there been subject matter in the background. Thanks for the response.


    Also, if you're rating the photo, I certainly appreciate it. However, I'd be interested to know what you disliked about it.



    This is an incredible shot. The sepia tone is an excellent choice for it. Even though the shot seems a little dark, I think this plays a major role in the mood of the photo.


    Very, very nice.

  2. I took this photo on the first roll of film I ever shot on an SLR.

    Previous to this, all my shots were casual point-and-shoot. I'm

    interested in a critique of this photo. What you like, dislike, and

    what I might have done better.


    This print was scanned directly in with no contrast or brightness

    adjustment. I seem to have lost about .5-1 stop hence the darkness.

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