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Image Comments posted by digiguy

  1. Thank you Brad,


    Her name is Lacy and you don't get to many opportunities to capture her looking at the camera.


    Sh'es very hyper and posing for a camera is definitely not one of her strongest abilities.


    Have a great day.



  2. Thank you Brad,


    I would have lovedthis shot even more if the flower closest to me wasn't there it blurred real bad because I was doing my best to focus on the butterfly.


    Sometimes we just can't do anything about things like that, sometimes we just have to take the shot or loose any oportunity of capturing it at all.


    She kept moving constantly so I figure I was truly blessed to get this shot even.


    Thank you again for the cudos.


    Have a great day.



    Summer Smirk


    Well yet another very nice portrait. I only have one issue with this phot and it's not a big deal, nothing Photoshop couldn't cure. It's the object behind her head?


    I'm assuming by how she is dressed that she is posing by a swimming pool. It alomost appears to be part of a lounge chair maybe I'm wrong.


    Other then that I love the photo.


    She is a stunning looking lady and I agree with the others, her eyes are to die for.







    I like this photo tennis racket or not. To me having the racket in the photo helps tell something about her. Not only is she a very beautiful lady but I know from the tennis racket that she is a very outgoing and athletic person.


    It brings an element of interst to the photo instead of making it " JUST ANOTHER FACE SHOT".


    Makes me want to take up tennis!


    Again another excellent portrait keep them comming.



    Sarah's Garden




    I just wanted to say I truly love this photo,to me you captured the essence of her personality.

    This lady emits a natural beauty which you captued perfectly and best of all it was done with all her clothes on. To many photos I have seen of women with there clothes off or nearly naked in scantily swim suits. I'm not saying thats necessarily bad but alot of those photos have the woman posing in postitions for the most part that are not natural or flattering.


    I'm not saying I dislike viewing a naked woman

    as long as the photo compliments the lady its fine. I guess it's like a Ferrari, you dont have to drive it to know its fast....a woman doesn't need to take of her clothes to prove she is beautiful.


    To me you let this lady be herself and allowed the beauty which is insid her to impress us.

    To me she doesn't appear posed it's like you

    stepped from around the corner and captured the shot when she wasn't expecting it.


    The smile looks and feels real she emits a sincere joy not only through her smile but through her eyes.



    You captured all this and did it very, very well.

    I'd like to see more photos like this one those that capture the heart and soul of a person.



    Excellent job, excellent model!


    Have a great day.




    Fall Colors


    What can I say Frank.....WOW!

    This is gorgeous and I love the fact that the water isn't mirror smooth because you still get a reflection shot but yet still get a good degree of seperation between water and land.

    The addition of the Birds also helps to give life to this awesome image.



    Great Work!

  4. Thank you Brad, I just really got lucky with this shot, I have no idea what she was looking at but I'm glad she was it gave me the shot I was after.


    I've seen your work and will return often to see what you have added. I haven't rated any of your work because I don't really feel worthy to.


    I look at everyone elses photos and compare what I have done and sometimes think maybe I should just shelf my camera.


    Maybe I need to go back and relearn the first rule of Photograpy...HAVE FUN!


    Thank you for posting at least I know one of my photos is good that gives me hope.

  5. I know the title I chose may sound strange but it's kind of in repsonse to what you posted about nothing happening. That old saying LESS IS MORE sometimes really rings true.


    I love this photo because it's very calming and soothing and I'm glad it isn't busy with crashing waves. This photo exudes solitude an peacefulness because sometimes that's the way both the ocean and life is.


    This world always seems to be in a hurry and never takes the time to just fully enjoy the moment at hand.


    Another thing I have noticed is the intersting rock formation in the upper right corner it resembles a Baboons face looking out to sea.



    Great photo look forward to seeing more.



    This is a great shot I have a simular shot like this myself. I too am in confusion though as to the lens you used?


    I have a Canon 10D as well and I wasn't aware that a Nikon lens would fit on the mount of a Canon? I'm not a know it all so I haven't checked into this yet but I will because I'm an inquiring mind...*LOL*


    Great photo.

  6. I placed this black vignet around her because there was so much distarctive stuff around her that cropping alone wouldn't take care of.

    Other then that nothing else was done to the photo, what you see is what I got.

    Just fruit


    I really like the way you composed this shot and the use of two differnt fruits. I get two differnt themes from this shot. ( First ) Opposites attract could be a good theme for this photo or ( Second )It's ok to be Unique or Different. I really love your work Monica you have a natural eye for composition variety and emphasis. Your photos are not the norm you follow the basic rules of photography but your photos do more then look good , they tell a story. Your photos have a point to them rather then just trying to capture a great scene.


    Very well done.



    Foggy Night


    This is awesome, I'm trying to figure out what is in front of the twoers to create the straight line. It's either another building or a very very tall wall. Your so lucky to get shuch intersting shots it's really cool yet kind of eery.


    Good Job.

  7. Are you sure you're just a Beginner?

    This is about as good as it gets.

    You're composition is dead on and the perspectiveis very good.


    This looks a little like it could be in New Orleans.


    Great job Monica, if this is the type of work you are producing with out classes your going to be a force to be dealt with when you get through them.


    Great Job !

  8. I love it! As far as I'm concerned you nailed this one. You kept the background ground images soft enough to bring emphasis to the forground image. Yet not so soft that it takes away from the pictures perspective. Your compostion is very well done as well...GOOD JOB Two Thumbs Up!


    You may laugh at me when I say this but this is the message I get when looking at this photo.


    It represents the stae the world is in...if your different you stand alone.....but sometimes that not necessarily a bad thing.



    By the way.......What is that fruit?




    Great job.



    Now I do feel silly with my white posterbaord under the chin suggestion...laughing and covering face in slight embaressment. I thought this was a photo you had taken of a daughter, sister or friend...Now I'm burying myself even deeper here.....Digging Hole placing head in it.


    Forgiveth my stupidity here....I was implying that the model hold the white board but since you are the model I guess that can't happen....EEEEEEE GADS!


    In any case I can say this much...if Photography doesn't pan out give modeling a try you have a very unique look, very pleasant features. I'm usually a very good judge of character and looking at this picture I would say you were very down to earth and have a very pleasant personality.


    You remind me alot of Shaunna the girl who's picture I posted in my email to you.

    You both have that All American girl next door look that does wonders on Magazine Covers.


    Well now that I feel absolutely silly I guess I will tuck my tail between my legs and go hide in the corner.


    Have a great day and have fun shooting photos that's what REAL photography is all about.



    I have heard of some people using White Posterboard and Posterbaord with gold foil wrapped around it. The white posterboard tends to give a soft fill where as the gold foil will give a more defined and directional light.

    A white sheet can work as well in defusing the light. The posterboard is just more versatile because it can be moved and angled unlike the sheet unless the sheet is tacked to a frame work of some sort.


    If at all possible use as much natural lighting as you can say from an open window. If it is a night shot then you will need to setup your lights for the desired effect with what ever difusers or reflectors you can devise.

    Not all lighting is aimed directly at the model most of your fill light is reflected by some method or other.


    The lighting setup you used in this picture isn't bad it just needs some difusion on the main light so it doesn't wash her out so badly.

    The bridge of her nose and forhead area above her right eye need to be tammed quite a bit.


    You have the right idea you just need to play with the positioning of the lights and using what ever means you can to create difusion and reflection of light.


    A less powerfull light may not need difusion but the one you used to hilight her forhead and nose most definitely does. If your subject could hold a piece of white posterbaord under her chin at about a foot away that may help soften the shadows around the eyes.


    Basically it all comes down to just plain experimentation, using the natural light of the room along with the Lamps.


    I would start with the setup you used in this photo and just try to difuse that main light. You might have to back the light off a ways

    or just not aim it so directly toward the girls face. Maybe try aiming the lamp off to the side a bit and use a white piece of posterboard to reflect the softened light where you want it.


    I know you will get it because I can see alot of promise in what you have already done. You have a good photographers eye you just need to experiment a little.


    Best advice.....Go to a book store and look at some of the photography books they have. I have seen some books that will show you step by step how to setup lighting and how to make Difusers and reflectors from what you have at home.


    I'll give you 6 months to a year and you will be a force to be rekoned with when it comes to portraits.


    You have the eye for composition you just need a little time in how to properly setup the lighting.


    When that happens....LOOK OUT!


    Best of luck to you and keep posting your progress I will be watching how you come along.






  9. I like this picture it shows you like to have fun and you have a good imagination.

    I really like the composition it made the subject appear more interesting then if it had been all the way in the shot. I love the fact that one ball is sitting outside the group to me that is what made it even more ineterestig because that gave the shot variety.


    I agree with Thomas about the HOT SPOTS on the Balls if the light had been defused I think this shot would have turned out alot better. Over all I love the photo you have a good eye for composition and a wonderful imagination.


    Keep Up the Good work.



    What a beautiful subject you have to shoot.

    Compostion is very nicely done I really love the way the light reflects in her left eye and shimmers on her lips.

    Lighting does seem to be an issue though in this picture as well as some of the others of yours I have seen. I think I know what you are after and you have the right idea but just need to use some defuses on some of the lights or use reflectors instead.

    As I look at this photo I see what I refer to as HOT SPOTS. The area above her right eye is nearly washed out because the light source is to severe. If you had used a reflector or diffuser on the light source I think you would have achieved a much softer and more detailed image of her and maintained the hilights in the young ladies hair.

    Except for the HOT SPOTS this is a very well done shot. Try this one again but next time place something in front of the light source that will still allow most of the light to get through but just not so intensely. You might take this photo to a camera shop and ask them what type of defuser or light filter you can use to reduce the HOT SPOTS.

    Over.....Great shot...your impressing me.






    I love this Monica very well done. The thing I like most about this picture is that the little girl appears natural or unposed. I am a huge fan of candid shots although a good one is hard to get some times. There's only one thing I would do to this photo if it were mine and this is just personal preference. I would soften the background a tad more bringing even more attention to the girl. Your composition is very well done and I like the way the sunlight accents her hair. Being that its black and white helps as well, to me color is to distracting.

    Over all a very nice shot keep up the good work.



    For someone who just got their first camera I have to give you a thumbs up. I myself love taking outdoor photos because I feel natures lighting is for me at least the best to use.


    I'm not really a Pro myself but I have been involved in photography for many years.

    I have a friend who has done shoots for National Geographic so when it comes to his critique I listen.


    I haven't viewed all your phots yet so I can't really give an overall opinion yet. There are alot of opinions on what makes a great shot, composition,lighting.perspective,variety and emphasis.


    Everyone could give you their opinion of what they think would make your photo more interesting to them but to me it is more important as to what makes it most interesting to you.


    There are alot of rules for shooting photos which I can agree with some of them but not all.

    Everyone can try to give you an idea of what you should do to improve your photgraphy skill but unless you can see what people are talking about you can still only get an idea.


    I would enroll in a photgraphy class at my local college or go to a book store and look through some books on how to take photos of different kinds.


    Alot of the better books not only show the phots but give the times of day they were shot, the lighting conditions and what settings were used.


    For a first timer I think your starting off very well this photo has alot of potential.

    The little girls hand and face is over exposed a tad to much but I am sure when you took this that wasn't what was on your mind. I'm sure you were trying to concentrate on the composition and making sure your subjects were in focus.


    One thing that might help you in the futre is do what I used to do and still do at times.

    I will find a spot to take a photo of whatever the subject is and litterally spend the day at that spot.

    I always have a pencil and note pad with me to write down my settings.

    I take sevral shots of the same subject at different settings and at different times of the day to see just how the settings and change in lighting effects the subject.


    Most photographers prefer early morning to late eavning shoots because the colors are more vibrant then. Noon time isn't the best time to do a shoot but their are times that it does work depending on what your shooting.


    Don't be afraid to shoot at different angles, sometimes a particular angle shot can be alot mor interesting then straight on.


    The keyword is....EXPERIMENT!


    Something else.....You will run into some people in these forums who think they know it all and they are Gods gift to photography. Most of the time they will pick your picture apart and not be kind in the way they do so.

    I belive in being honest and telling it like it is but doing it tactfully and politely.

    I belive that criticism should be constructive and not demeaning.


    Keep up the good work I truly feel you are off to a great start, with incouragemnet and more experience I think you will develope into a seasoned photographer.


    Best of luck to you, I will keep popping in time to time to see how you are progressing.









    Waterfall #2


    I would not crop this image anyfurther. As it sits the image has a nice balance to it, my eyes love to follow the waters path from the upper part of the fall to the turn in the creek.


    The water in the pool section of the waterfall has almost a spirit like appearance making this photo appear to have a magical effect.


    I like this very much and have tried this technique myself with great success.


    Keep up the great work I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  10. Hi Kim,

    I saw this and had to comment because I know where this was taken, it was at the Santa Barbara Zoo. It's a Meer Cat and a very nice photo of one too.


    It's almost hard to take a bad shot of one of these creatures they are natural models.

    I love the color and the clarity of the Meer Cat against the soft blurred background really a shot well done.


    My wife took many shots of these Meer Cats when we visited the Zoo there In Santa Barbara.

    Vey well done I look foward to seeing more of your work.



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