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Image Comments posted by c_o_sullivan


    I rarely see photos as good as this. I love it! It has great tones and composition. The reflection is like a dream and it looks as if the reflected image is almost a different person. Well done!

    More Wild fowers

    This photo really struck me. I think there enough flower pictures on the web that centre on the petals, but what caught my eye here was the contrast between the dark background and bright petals, also there are many interesting shapes and textures in the background.

    Water SPORTS

    The photo is neither good nor bad, but is just the expression of something that struck you. You have a good eye for interesting details like this. I think that when you see a scene that captures your attention, you should think what it is that draws you too it, and everything should follow from there.
  1. I think this is an excellent piece of work. It sums up the light and textures of a cityscape very well, I think. It reminds me of a modern art painting. I like the combination of colours and forms, particularly the deep reds which set an excellent mood. The only distraction I find is the smudge near the centre, although it does contrast with the horizontal aspects, I think.
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