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Image Comments posted by catherine_jones1


    Wow! I can hardly take my eyes away from this photo. It is amazing that you were able to capture this fellow so perfectly (perfect exposure, perfect expression, perfect depth of field, perfect framing) in what must have been an intense situation.


    The glow around his head doesn't quite look right and I wish there were more texture in the background. I do, however, like the lighting of the face and the processing/texture of the skin is wonderful.
  1. Nice composition and nice even lighting. To my (amateur) eye, a long sleeved shirt might look more slimming on the mom (but I'm guessing you didn't have a say in the wardrobe). Also, I think it might be a touch more dramatic if the baby was lifted a little closer to mom and dads faces. Overall, it's a nice family photo. Regards


    Very nice tonal range and treatment. My only complaint is that her eyes look a little plastic and the skin is just too smooth for my taste (but I bet the bride loves it :-)

    The Old Man

    I like the composition, dof and framing, but I'm just not sure about the selective coloring. I'd like to see a pure black and white version of this. Regards.
  2. Cute. I would love to see this picture done for 'real', but I bet you would have a hard time getting the girls to have such happy expressions if they really were getting dowsed in water!


    Nice composition, framing and lighting. Your model is also very interesting to look upon. My only complaint is that I wish the eyes were a tiny bit more in focus, but it still looks great.

    No Comment :)

    Pretty girl, pleasing expression, nice composition, but the shadow across her face is distracting. Looks like a street shot so I'm sure you didn't want to blast her with flash, but that's my only complaint.

    Kodak DCS 200

    I like some of your other portraits better than this one. The grainy treamtment doesn't work real well for this photo and I'm not a great fan of the blown highlights. The composition, however, is very pleasing.

    old man


    Your portraits are getting better...I like the treatment you did on this one. My only complaint is that the whites are blown, but that can probably be fixed if you shot in Raw.

    Regards, Catherine



    Thanks guys for taking the time to look at and comment on my photo.


    To answer the question, no, it's not a model. It's the courtyard of a monastery in Portugal. The 'bluriness' of the background was done purposely to acheive this look. If you google 'tilt-shift fakes' you'll find lots of information on how to do this with photoshop. Regards.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to critique and tweek. To answer you question, yes, this is a true HDR from 3 different exposures. Wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out because the wind was blowing like mad - I had to hold my fairly heavy tripod steady on the ground to keep it from blowing away. I like your crop and may play around with some cropping. I wish I had taken some closer pictures with the tanks taking up more of the frame, but I'm a wimp and the cold and wind made me not want to linger outside.:-)
  4. Feel free to rip this image apart...I'm a big girl, I can take it.

    Should I crop closer to the gas wells? Does the HDR look overdone

    (going for a 'natural' looking HDR here)? Is it boring? What do you think?

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