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Image Comments posted by studiojmm

  1. That's interesting. I didn't see fear but know very little about the circumstances you mention.


    I see a hint of a smile. One of the things that I like about the picture is the expression of the child. At first glance, it's a kid eating a bowl of something off the floor - something I was known to do as a kid. It's not till after I looked at the photo for a moment that I put the context together. No matter what else is going on or what her circumstances, she's a kid and that is peaking out in the photo.

    The Cat

    That's eerie. I like the cat and the shadows in the sand. I recommend cropping out the part of the pier that is visible in the top of the frame.
  2. I like the composition but you can see the overlap of the 6 pictures. I don't know how to remove that but it probably can be done. I dont' do too many of these shots but sometimes have problems if I didn't either use the stich setting on the camera (digital ps) or use manual settings or memory lock to keep the expsosure the same from one frame to the next (35mm or digitals without stich/panorama settings).


    I lik your set up quite a bit. But because the people are a little under-exposed, my eye is more drawn to the cow - which I doubt was your intention. Could you hold back the print exposre on the bottom half of the picture just a bit?
  3. I like the composition - the ~paralell lines of the shadow in the water and the beach and the girls balanced by the dark area on the water. I also like it in black and white. However, I feel there is too little contrast (underexposed because the water reflected so much light?) the sharp focus should be on the girls, not the water.
  4. I really like this and don't care that the lily pads aren't sharp. I would, however, loose the concrete - especially if you have more at the top to play with. See attachment - rotated 12 degrees left and cropped.

  5. Pretty. My eyes are totally drawn to the ring around the center (sorry, no botany vocabulary) which could also be isolated into an abstract if you cropped for symetry around the center.
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