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Image Comments posted by tyler_buckley

  1. I would not touch the saturation at all, i think the land lend itself to the muted colors. My gripe (which could be beacuse of a filesize issue) is that it looks a little digital. By digital i mean a little blocky in the shadows mostly. Nice abstract thoug.


    hahahahahahahaha, very amusing, when I saw the thumbnail I thought the guy in the green was insane but once I clicked the picture I realized he's added :( After reading what you say and looking again I assume the other person was added as well... I think the guy in black blends very well but the guy in green is way too obviously fake, I think the lighting is the problem and the hard edges. I;ve tried one of these myself with a guy standing on his elbow on water.... Great concept, but the excecution is a bit flawed. Keep on truckin
  2. Incredible, it almost looks fake, like a composite but I know it's real. The depth of field is amazing and the blue color over the whole photo really gives that cold feel to it. The village in the forground just pops out at me and is tyhe "real" part of the image, the background almost gives me a sense of passing of time as if the background represents the future or past of the village in the foreground. Very surreal, very nice.

    The Sign

    the sign is actually what attracted me to this photo but now that I'm seeing it bigger I lovet that lighting. The "god rays" as one of my teachers called them. The ground is a little blown out on the edge and I'm not really satisfied with the tonal range in the photo, but it's got potential, with work in the darkroom this print could be outstanding. Anyway the reason I was drawn to this was the sign...My friend had a german shepard and he had that same sign.... sweeet

    Pregnant mother

    Personally I like the fact that there is close to no detail in the face. To me this photograph is about the child in the womb, not the pregnant woman. The way she's cradeling (i can't spell) her stomach and looking down at it suggestes meditation on the child and the lighting is clearly emphasizing the womb and breasts (which are the food source to the soon to be born child). I think I would like it more in black and white though, but that's just me, I favor black and white.
  3. long exposures are one of my favorite things about film and I feel like I don't do nearly enough.... This one works out amazingly I get a surreal feeling from this and I think it's because of the dropoff of the light. The lone guy on the bench in the middle of the night works well emotionally..... I don't know what else to say but I love this image.
  4. nice... at first I didn't even notice that iit was two different pictures, I realized that it was a false reflection but not the change in hand positions. Overall good picture and with more practice I believe you will be a great digital editor.
  5. My only problem is the bright light right next to the fireman on the right's head......it's very distracting a little cloning could help.... Otherwise awsome it gives a great mood of rescue from a sort of team of angels


    At first glance it looks like she has wings, and the angle she's at makes the wings more believable... If the wings are intentional that my congrats to you and if they're not then it's still awsome, photography is about being lucky and this is proof of that. I do agree that the panties are distracting but I see no way to crop them out, the only thing I could think of is taking the picture again without the panties on.
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