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Image Comments posted by lindsay_carter

  1. she is quite lovely, plus i totally dig her shirt (i'm a fashion major don't mind me)... although i don't know what it looked like before you saturated it in photoshop, i think that it was wise and just adds to her "naturalness".


    ps. thanks for your understanding on my much hated party picture... although i've abandoned that idea for my final, i might try to do more interesting angles and what not down the line.



    Well it was a 1 or 2 second exposure... i can't quite remember which. so she moved...


    this isn't meant to be a portrait. it's supposed to be more situational i guess...



    I'm thinking of doing a whole series of these for my class final

    project, so I'm wondering what people think of it (there's another

    similar one in the album).


    Feedback on idea, technical, suggestions would be lovely.


    Thank you.

    Stone art


    it is quite beautiful.


    Did you happen to take a photo of just the rocks and their suspension strings? I found that part of the photo almost more interesting the the shadows cast on the ground.


    The interaction of the uniform strings being almost parallel to each and the organic un-uniform shapes of the rocks is fascinating.



    Yes, but is that the message you wanted to convey? I was just sharing what I took away from the photo. I'm sorry I don't like it, even though I shouldn't have to be.


    I forgot to add a nice comment. I was too focused on her damn smirk... but


    It's a nice composition. I appreciate the cropping and the bare arm that brings the viewer back up into the picture. There's a nice flow of the visual elements that makes the viewer go to all the elements.


    But since it is a person, I still focus mainly on her head/face.


    And I'm not saying I would HATE the model if I saw her on the street, but from this image... it definately doesn't make me want to run into her on the street. You dig?



    Yeah, I read that it was candid I had written that comment, and I admit I felt like a goober. It was in the critique thing where they just show you the photo.


    I'm sorry for thinking it was posed.


    She seems oddy full of herself. I hate her and I don't even care to know who she is. This photo is arrogant, and seems like she is looking down on the viewer. It's that damn smirk.



    The window was hung wish fishing line, which was more annoying than

    speculated. The tree had shedded berries and prickly barbs all over

    the ground, so it was a painful, messy process.


    Any and all comments are appreciated, and I want to thank you in




    has a nice nostalgic quality to it. I'm asuming you did that orangish brown tint in photoshop?


    it's pleasing to look at, but doesn't really keep my interest.


    the horizon line is not parallel to the picture plane. so it's crooked, which takes away from the horizontallity of the brightly painted stripes. the dark shadow in the corner is disappointing too. but interesting all the same.



    they posed. and i told them to STOP IT YOU STUPID OLD FOLKS. just

    kidding. they were different though before i asked them if i could

    take their picture, but it turned out fine... right?

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